Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 5, 2024
Ew GypsyQueen is in there, the one who racially attacked the girls πŸ˜’

She came in demanding Angie expose Taurian and then exposed herself and is now saying what thd video shows, isn't what it shows.

Three Stooges Face GIF
Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
I don't think she's admitted , but it's widely known , it just doesn't sit with my moral compass as a parent. That and the fact Chester is now coming out with this other stuff (which I don't think is true btw) it's just mad that a parent would let their teenage son be friends with someone nearly 3 times their age x

Frenchy (the guy that's usually in Angies) came up in the boxes to talk about it and as soon as he mentioned it he was dropped quick time , that speaks volumes to me , almost like it's being silenced. I don't get care if it happened two years ago , it's still wrong.
EQ addressed it last night with Chester on Canadian Angies, it’s on The Observer in YouTube
I would have ran on instinct if I heard β€œWhy are you out of class?” πŸ˜‚
I would still feel like they’re my teacher and probably apologise for looking like a child and tell them I’d try look older. My fear of authority figures is a bit of a problem 😭
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