Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 29, 2024
I follower a few crochet people, this lady is cam2ing Canadian Angie. I wounder if she's doing Miss Red 🤣
Feb 28, 2024
if i recall she said she wanted brighams bodily fluids on her breasts, strange way to grieve my sister tragically lost her son two years ago she is still in a really bad place
This is a hilarious way to describe my exact sentiment on sex text Rebecca.

Sorry I only read the first part when I replied - I’m really sorry for you and your sis x


Nov 19, 2023
The ster 💩
My opinion and I may get some flack for this 🤣

Zac he isn’t as nice and kind as he is making out to be, he’s manipulative, deceptive and does tell lies, I do believe he’s got this nice persona he portrays online but behind the scenes he’s conniving and vindictive 👍🏻

Red she’s also a lot like Zac and plays this persona online but behind the scenes she’s doing the complete opposite, and I do believe she played a huge part in alot of peoples bad mental health on the app

The fact that when Zac was being outed last year about being a scammer he tried his best to make it stop, and now red is getting gone at, my opinion is, shes getting it a lot harder than he did last year, he’s joining in with the hate, videos the lives and to me it makes them both massive fing hypocrites in my opinion and red has fed off I think Zac will eventually end up fing off as well, as I believe what’s going to happen now is people are going to come forward, it’s already happening to fact freak in millsy’s live about facts, it’s ALL going to implode massively

Sorry if u think I’m wrong for saying this but it’s how I feel 🤣😩
Mar 5, 2024
The M20
I’m still laughing my ass off at Red this morning, when she realised the whole app was against her the best comeback she could muster was ‘Well my husband pounds me twice a week’ as if that’s the pinnacle of a perfect life. It was funny as do. 👏

It rivalled cockers ‘I’ve got four toilets’

4 toilets
2 shags
And a Chinese on a Friday night.

You have MADE IT ladies. 💀


Apr 29, 2024
I’m still laughing my ass off at Red this morning, when she realised the whole app was against her the best comeback she could muster was ‘Well my husband pounds me twice a week’ as if that’s the pinnacle of a perfect life. It was funny as do. 👏

It rivalled cockers ‘I’ve got four toilets’

4 toilets
2 shags
And a Chinese on a Friday night.
Wait til I tell her I get 2 and a half a week and an Indian takeaway , she’ll start crying again
Feb 28, 2024
Let it be known that any attempt to attack, harm, or defame a certified member of our noble forum shall be met with swift and uncompromising retribution. You will be held fully accountable for your actions, and any information you unwittingly divulge on public platforms can and will stand as evidence against you in the court of reason.

Furdamore, we resolutely reserve the right to digitally manipulate your likeness to the point of ruthless ridicule, reducing your inflated sense of self-worth to mere whispers in the wind. Your fragile delusions shall continue to crumble before the indomitable spirit of the Comment Café.

To those who dare test our resolve, heed this warning: you have not yet seen anything. We can, we shall, and we will unleash our fury, and will not hold back. From this point onward, we cannot and will not be held responsible for any collateral damage that ensues. Your absurdities will be exposed with relentless precision, and in the unforgiving arena of public opinion, your folly shall be laid bare for all to see.

In this, we remain unwavering and undaunted.
Who is threatening us? Maybe I should print it out as an official document

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
My opinion and I may get some flack for this 🤣

Zac he isn’t as nice and kind as he is making out to be, he’s manipulative, deceptive and does tell lies, I do believe he’s got this nice persona he portrays online but behind the scenes he’s conniving and vindictive 👍🏻

Red she’s also a lot like Zac and plays this persona online but behind the scenes she’s doing the complete opposite, and I do believe she played a huge part in alot of peoples bad mental health on the app

The fact that when Zac was being outed last year about being a scammer he tried his best to make it stop, and now red is getting gone at, my opinion is, shes getting it a lot harder than he did last year, he’s joining in with the hate, videos the lives and to me it makes them both massive fing hypocrites in my opinion and red has fed off I think Zac will eventually end up fing off as well, as I believe what’s going to happen now is people are going to come forward, it’s already happening to fact freak in millsy’s live about facts, it’s ALL going to implode massively

Sorry if u think I’m wrong for saying this but it’s how I feel 🤣😩
I think you're 100% right. They're both bad and they've both done wrong. I'll always mention that I'm not taking away the severity of what Zac did and his MH because he clearly had struggles , but he took thousands from other people that had nothing , his s isn't any nicer smelling than reds , but I hold that thought with all of the others too , Angie needs cancelling , EQ needs cancelling , as much as I wanted Red & Alex going today , I really did think either EQ or CLA would have been cancelled first.
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