OK, I'm willing to look the bad guy, I really don't give a s anymore as i no longer care.
Over recent weeks the enjoyment has slowly gone from this thread.
As far as I'm concerned this Is a forum to call out the vile behaviours of certain creators, and hold them accountable for their actions. yet its become more of a thread to either promote videos (for self gain) or a popularity contest, and that's not what I'm here for and it's one of the reasons I've stopped posting as much. I'm not here to defend these creators or message them in private, I find it weird and hypocritical, when I first joined It was all about naming and shaming - not turning on each other just so you gain.
Cockerpoo, openly admitted she now likes CC yet it was only days ago she hated us with a passion. I would like to know exactly what's changed because I know the majority of us hasn't blown smoke up her arse.
Apologies for my grammar I can't be arsed.