Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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if i am being very honest myself yes, i never realised how angry and messed up mentally i was until all of this.
whenever my trauma has ever been brought up i instantly go ham and honestly i thought that it was a 'normal reaction'
i'm trying to heal from the inside and get better with my anger and reactions.
I get where you're coming from I aint gonna lie I was a nasty f and I'd fight my own shadow if I could. However I never aired my dirty laundry in public and I never argued on social media platforms with complete strangers. I can honestly say it took a lot of work to get to where I am now and I'll never allow anyone ruin that. (Unless someone comes for me or my loved one's) These people are irrelevant keyboard warriors and they'll push your buttons and they'll deliberately target your vulnerabilities/weaknesses so they get a rise from you. Knowing you have anger issues is a start and I hope you get to the stage where you can ignore these people because trust me violence isn't the answer and it gets you no where.
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They are all just absolute fs. They’re all still ranting about each other in Claire’s live. I’m very happy I don’t ever have to endure any kind of fake friendships they have to 😂😂 Sad. Go tug yourself off some more Alex. They are all just horrible people 😂😂
I'll happily stay blocked. I'd rather pull my nips off with a rusty pair of pliers than sit and listen to the same s over and over again. 😫
Mar 13, 2024
I get where you're coming from I aint gonna lie I was a nasty f and I'd fight my own shadow if I could. However I never aired my dirty laundry in public and I never argued on social media platforms with complete strangers. I can honestly say it took a lot of work to get to where I am now and I'll never allow anyone ruin that. (Unless someone comes for me or my loved one) These people are irrelevant keyboard warriors and they'll push your buttons and they'll deliberately target your vulnerabilities/weaknesses so they get a rise from you. Knowing you have anger issues is a start and I hope you get to the stage where you can ignore these people because trust me violence isn't the answer and it gets you no where.
i totally get that people aren't as open as me about their struggles and i respect that, i'm not trying to trauma dump but I've always been open about certain things because in my head i was silenced as child so i refuse to be as an adult which i now know is a very toxic way to think, the specific part of my trauma that is being used to mock me is not something i ever disclosed on the app only to people who i stupidly thought was a friend who then brought it to the app. i did have it as my name after it was brought to the app to ' take the power back' as that's what they where calling me. i know most people will find it stupid but in my head it made sense. i also spoke about what i did publicly to try and help other survivors and show people that they are strong. i don't have family so i consider my friends family so to me they are my loved ones and they are my world. which i respect most people may find stupid but its how i feel.

i know people will purposely target things they know will get a reaction but at the same time i give them the reaction they are looking for every time so i guess i also need to take some responsibility on that side of things. I am responsible for my reactions.


Feb 19, 2024
Cliaiethecarebear making that dash threw the chinese supermarket

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