Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Nov 10, 2023
Don't forget I'm the issue here. Yet my kids photos and cherry picked snippets from confidential paperwork being shared and posted and read online.

Kids who are still in care or extended care, vulnerable adults with social workers

That's okay aye.

I'm the problem

Make it make sense!!!
Urghhh go away. Go hang out with your new bestie frosty who is another wrongun.
Feb 29, 2024
Is this the Tilly tapes??

I always wanted to watch them in a weird urban legend kind of way, but I don’t even really know what they are.
Yes! There’s loads of clips on YouTube but there’s loads of accounts posting them so it’s confusing lol! I’ll try and screenshot some of the accounts and post them in here for people to look I know one YouTube account is called Chelsey harwood and another one is called master debate! If you click on the profiles and then onto videos There’s loads. There’s also a Facebook page about tam someone posted it in here I’ll have to try and find it!
Feb 29, 2024
Fiesty, please don't try and deflect from what wrong doings you yourself have done.
You are not perfect.
You 100% do not behave like any capable parent should behave.
What I can't stand is when people can't take accountability for the s they have done in the past - don't your I'm the victim act is not going to wash with people.
Take accountability and stop typing on a forum that your so clearly trying to get some attention from or persuade people that your not this bad person, if you have to persuade people that your not a bad person, it normally means you are.
She has though countless times


Mar 12, 2024
Fiesty, please don't try and deflect from what wrong doings you yourself have done.
You are not perfect.
You 100% do not behave like any capable parent should behave.
What I can't stand is when people can't take accountability for the s they have done in the past - don't your I'm the victim act is not going to wash with people.
Take accountability and stop typing on a forum that your so clearly trying to get some attention from or persuade people that your not this bad person, if you have to persuade people that your not a bad person, it normally means you are.
Lol am hell claiming to be perfect. But I'm no where near what is being made out.

I don't need to make anyone believe me. I know the truth. And I'll win my war in court.

But how come I'm a bad person for doing less than what these lot have ever done to me? It doesn't make sense. They are getting away with murder
Mar 15, 2024
Held her hands up and taken accountability how many times does she have to , it’s stuck on a loop she’s never claimed to be perfect
I'm assuming your one of Fiestys mods, which is fine, fiesty is entitled for people to stand up for her, but Fiesty will often have a victim complex mentality in many situations, when she has been just as bad. I haven't heard her take accountability for things, she has done in the past regarding fact freak.
Feb 29, 2024
I'm assuming your one of Fiestys mods, which is fine, fiesty is entitled for people to stand up for her, but Fiesty will often have a victim complex mentality in many situations, when she has been just as bad. I haven't heard her take accountability for things, she has done in the past regarding fact freak.
Ask unstable she was fact freaks first victim she started it many people went to feisty for help
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Mar 16, 2024
Mable is so fake just like max and Mazza all try to be the main ones.
Mazza need to come on camera! Tam need to stand back! Mable need to stand back and all will see their fat shaming people who are probably half their own size!
I didn't fat shame anyone, I've not said a word
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