Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 2, 2024
Zia's Basement
Jc and his turkey teeth. Another wannabe
Designer (7).png
Feb 29, 2024
Bing AI is annoying af, I’m trying to do pics of Angie but it’s making her look nice 😩
I use DaVinci Ai on Apple store, when you download it it makes you think you have to pay but if you cross it off the screen you get 5 free ai pictures if you watch an ad, and you can choose the theme and there’s a creepy one on there that works well for Angie pics! 🤣
Mar 16, 2024
the universe
He was on an account called M❤️R
No that was my account the team MR one which I deactivated I'm not rhys I'm female. I only have my exposing_delusive_angie account now. I deactivated after witnessing them all flocking back to Angie They were all happy enough to like and comment on my videos and use my videos but them they all went running back. I've made my opinions on that known on the one account I have now
Feb 28, 2024
Why are they going in on the private lives of this rent boy and Cory. They had a fall out with eq and asked her to leave. But now there’s hundreds of hysterical women led by cockerpoo getting to the “bottom of it”. What actually is happening here like what is their purpose - and why do they care. Why don’t any of these people do some self reflection.
Nov 10, 2023
I use DaVinci Ai on Apple store, when you download it it makes you think you have to pay but if you cross it off the screen you get 5 free ai pictures if you watch an ad, and you can choose the theme and there’s a creepy one on there that works well for Angie pics! 🤣
Oooh I’m downloading that then. A lot of the time I type in what I want with bing ai but is says it’s not allowed 🤣🤣
Feb 29, 2024
i believe its all a set up from start . They are all in it inc red luke zac dg etc etc I just dont believe any of them they all want milk it for all they can get from gifts views etc... EQ is 1 the biggest liars on app shes up their with Angie n elphaba the list goes on n on . Look how red said start she wants all new ppl in boxes but whos all in box just now the usual ones... Corey side not heard.. ollie even admitted to some it being a set up
Someone in here said last night that when all the drama was kicking off with eq, Pearl jumped in the box and told her to calm down and to call miss red and ask her what she should do next! Baffles me that people don’t think she’s the ringleader of all the drama!


I feel like I know the same things that you know about JC. The guys a fraud and a nasty man
Threatening women and kids and sending his mods to terrorise poor women because they were his mod and they decided to go live. His rules are, You can't go live if you're a mod. She was put through hell at his hands and she wouldn't leave the house because they'd threatened to unalive her kid.
That's only a fraction of what he's like. He ain't no saint!
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