Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 6, 2024
Felicity is a two faced, s stirring, gossip runner who tries to hard to fit in, no one actually likes her! She’s like a cling on! She has no thought of her own and flip flops between lives and people’s buisness. She always has a new drama and makes everything about herself. Any situation she will turn and make it about her
100% Agreed 👍

Feb 29, 2024
Oh wow.. I didn't realise that, I've never really caught up on Demi drama, so I dont know if they were all friends to begin with or like enemies from the start 🤔
I’m not 100% sure on the story but tam is involved, and if you ever see tam talking about the mother and daughter she’s can’t say the names of, she’s talking about demi and Tracy, she’s involved with the doxxing and stuff also Alex was in there trolling demi the other day! She does have beef with Chloe, but I’ve not seen Chloe mention demi in a while! I think she just sees Alex there in her chat trolling and assumes Chloe is behind it! Which isn’t good for Chloe if she’s actually trying to stay out of drama!
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Mar 15, 2024
I’m not 100% sure on the story but tam is involved, and if you ever see tam talking about the mother and daughter she’s can’t say the names of, she’s talking about demi and Tracy, she’s involved with the doxxing and stuff also Alex was in there trolling demi the other day! She does have beef with Chloe, but I’ve not seen Chloe mention demi in a while! I think she just sees Alex there in her chat trolling and assumes Chloe is behind it! Which isn’t good for Chloe if she’s actually trying to stay out of drama!
Oh I remember, alex being in there as we were in there, was that when she was using her pendulum to tell her whether Alex was planning anything next? 😬😂 ah I get you, yeah I think that drama with chloe really affected chloe, aswell as I'm pretty sure it was pretty brutal, I never see Chloe mention it personally!

I'm grand

Mar 7, 2024
If anyone hadn’t seen the IVE DONE NOTHING remix, might as well w it out here, since I’ve been outted by the girl who literally got voted out of being moderator tonight, and none of the accounts Angie read out were even Comment Cafe accounts, because the viewers literally don’t like you Lynz.
I Think I woke the house with all I've laughed at this 🤣🤣🤣 it's excellent 🤣🤣
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Feb 29, 2024
I’m never scrolling the fyp on one of my troll accounts ever again 🤣


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Mar 13, 2024
Another long arse read but from what I gather I missed. is Alex is Now defending Tam & Irish kelly cause they're not happy with some s on here about them.
Other people who was up are arse last week, now jumping ship cause their leader Alex has spoken.🤦‍♀️
Alex is saying we're wronguns and what speak about kids??
Like seriously WTF ???

Just like you claim you do in Angies comments ALL the time. Which BTW has to be the worst trolling I've ever seen ..
Right so 90% of us here Are only here for laughter & fun. If any1 does mention kids We click ingore & report. I CERTAINLY DO NOT talk on other people's kids and never would!!!

As for having an opinion on creators well they put they're life on social media for All to see THEN dam right I'm gonna sit here & have my say...just like many othes, including yourself & your good friends THE FYP reporters do. WE ARE just more HONEST about what we think a non biased opinion
Love it or hate it, DOES NOT make us fing Wronguns..😡😡

Last thing I find it incredibly RICH , being called a wrong un by some1 who SEX TEXTS woman behind their Gfs back, ALSO Send pictures of his tally wacker to crazy woman AND LETS NOT FORGET MASITIBATES While on MUTE on his live !!!!

Mar 15, 2024
Another long arse read but from what I gather I missed. is Alex is Now defending Tam & Irish kelly cause they're not happy with some s on here about them.
Other people who was up are arse last week, now jumping ship cause their leader Alex has spoken.🤦‍♀️
Alex is saying we're wronguns and what speak about kids??
Like seriously WTF ???

Just like you claim you do in Angies comments ALL the time. Which BTW has to be the worst trolling I've ever seen ..
Right so 90% of us here Are only here for laughter & fun. If any1 does mention kids We click ingore & report. I CERTAINLY DO NOT talk on other people's kids and never would!!!

As for having an opinion on creators well they put they're life on social media for All to see THEN dam right I'm gonna sit here & have my say...just like many othes, including yourself & your good friends THE FYP reporters do. WE ARE just more HONEST about what we think a non biased opinion
Love it or hate it, DOES NOT make us fing Wronguns..😡😡

Last thing I find it incredibly RICH , being called a wrong un by some1 who SEX TEXTS woman behind their Gfs back, ALSO Send pictures of his tally wacker to crazy woman AND LETS NOT FORGET MASITIBATES While on MUTE on his live !!!!

Hello you, when I jumped up he corrected himself and said he didn't mean all.

I said when I jumped up in the box, well I was calm through speaking to Alex, CJ jumped up, & I remained calm with her aswell, although I did shut her down very quickly as it was something irrelevant about Mabel &Tam, and I said currently Mabel is apparently really poorly and has come away from the app, so maybe be respectful and don't mention her.

Then Tink jumped up, oh lord the audacity of that woman, she was trying to prove I speak about kids, & she brought up when I said that Lynz doesn't custody but does have son, and I said did you read the messages before that? Someone said they didn't believe Lynz probably had a child as they never heard the child and thats why I said what I said, and I said it so rich coming from you with all the s you have said, so don't try and spin no narrative with me, and basically shut her up, and she remained muted for the whole rest of the time I was in the box.

Alex was obviously asking me about things I've said regarding Tam, and Tam was asking him questions to ask me, and I said I am never commented on her children physically, but I certainly have said if Tams kids school is getting exposed etc, and wants to protect her kids, then she needs to do that instead of jumping into boxes getting involved in every argument she comes across as this certainly isn't protecting them, and then he was like did you ever call tam a nonce, and I said no? And he said oh well I got a screenshot here of you calling Tam a wrongen, and I said yeah? That's not nonce, and I said the reason I said that was because she was having personal contact via her WhatsApp with a couple of the most disgusting and vile people that used to be in PLM. So I basically just stuck my guns to everything I've ever said, I said I'm not creator, I'm a viewer, who has an opinion, and I said all of you lot have all at some point commented on someone's parenting, and said some awful things, on live because once again if you put something out on live then it can certainly be discussed.
It was also brought up that we kick off when angie comments on someone's kids, I.e chloes or whatever, but he said then you do it. & I said Angie is NOT a parent, she doesn't have the first idea of what it's like to parent a child and how difficult it can be, so she has absolutely no right to comment on someone's parenting, I said if someone puts their life on social media, and you can hear kids in background or they come crying because someone's doxxed there kid as a parent myself I certainly can have my say

It was on Paula's live, and tbh Paula was an absolute sweetheart, and said after just touching on what frankie said, we have all said things about parenting or nasty things, and we know if we choose to stream, whatever we put out there can be judged, she was getting worried I was getting stressed as I'm pregnant so she was like the absolute cutest. Tbh I said don't you worry, its just tiktok for me, I don't ever write something I won't 100% stand behind, and won't want people seeing, as everything I've said in here i would say directly to the person, and in some occasions I have.
So in my case it actually ended nice with Alex. & he did rephrase it and say he doesn't mean everyone, as he does have friends in here.
Tink can just do off, and I'm glad she knew her lane and stayed on mute for the rest of my duration in the box and with her, I did get slightly pissed off. 💁‍♀️
Sorry for the long reply, but thought I'd give a proper run down of what you had concluded.

I had alot of support in the comments whilst I was in box, and also Paula and NannyD were both lovely as they were in the box, infact the rest of girls apart from knobhead tink were all nice & had some lovely messages to come back here and read about how I stayed true to myself, and how well I dealt with it considering it was just me up there 😂

P.s alex only brought up Tam too me not Irish kelly. 💁‍♀️ don't know if she was mentioned other on another live maybe and I've possibly missed someone commenting about it.
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Feb 13, 2024
Hello you, when I jumped up he corrected himself and said he didn't mean all.

I said when I jumped up in the box, well I was calm through speaking to Alex, CJ jumped up, & I remained calm with her aswell, although I did shut her down very quickly as it was something irrelevant about Mabel &Tam, and I said currently Mabel is apparently really poorly and has come away from the app, so maybe be respectful and don't mention her.

Then Tink jumped up, oh lord the audacity of that woman, she was trying to prove I speak about kids, & she brought up when I said that Lynz doesn't custody but does have son, and I said did you read the messages before that? Someone said they didn't believe Lynz probably had a child as they never heard the child and thats why I said what I said, and I said it so rich coming from you with all the s you have said, so don't try and spin no narrative with me, and basically shut her up, and she remained muted for the whole rest of the time I was in the box.

Alex was obviously asking me about things I've said regarding Tam, and Tam was asking him questions to ask me, and I said I am never commented on her children physically, but I certainly have said if Tams kids school is getting exposed etc, and wants to protect her kids, then she needs to do that instead of jumping into boxes getting involved in every argument she comes across as this certainly isn't protecting them, and then he was like did you ever call tam a nonce, and I said no? And he said oh well I got a screenshot here of you calling Tam a wrongen, and I said yeah? That's not nonce, and I said the reason I said that was because she was having personal contact via her WhatsApp with a couple of the most disgusting and vile people that used to be in PLM. So I basically just stuck my guns to everything I've ever said, I said I'm not creator, I'm a viewer, who has an opinion, and I said all of you lot have all at some point commented on someone's parenting, and said some awful things, on live because once again if you put something out on live then it can certainly be discussed.
It was also brought up that we kick off when angie comments on someone's kids, I.e chloes or whatever, but he said then you do it. & I said Angie is NOT a parent, she doesn't have the first idea of what it's like to parent a child and how difficult it can be, so she has absolutely no right to comment on someone's parenting, I said if someone puts their life on social media, and you can hear kids in background or they come crying because someone's doxxed there kid as a parent myself I certainly can have my say

It was on Paula's live, and tbh Paula was an absolute sweetheart, and said after just touching on what frankie said, we have all said things about parenting or nasty things, and we know if we choose to stream, whatever we put out there can be judged, she was getting worried I was getting stressed as I'm pregnant so she was like the absolute cutest. Tbh I said don't you worry, its just tiktok for me, I don't ever write something I won't 100% stand behind, and won't want people seeing, as everything I've said in here i would say directly to the person, and in some occasions I have.
So in my case it actually ended nice with Alex. & he did rephrase it and say he doesn't mean everyone, as he does have friends in here.
Tink can just do off, and I'm glad she knew her lane and stayed on mute for the rest of my duration in the box and with her, I did get slightly pissed off. 💁‍♀️
Sorry for the long reply, but thought I'd give a proper run down of what you had concluded.

I had alot of support in the comments whilst I was in box, and also Paula and NannyD were both lovely as they were in the box, infact the rest of girls apart from knobhead tink were all nice & had some lovely messages to come back here and read about how I stayed true to myself, and how well I dealt with it considering it was just me up there 😂

P.s alex only brought up Tam too me not Irish kelly. 💁‍♀️ don't know if she was mentioned other on another live maybe and I've possibly missed someone commenting about it.
And this all started as someone in the box said that Alex had told them he knows who we all are
  • Haha
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