Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 29, 2024
Formally NettieNewt
Do you know what I find VERY funny? The way Miss Red, Alex, Chester, EQ, Angie, Tony and all those d-bag racist/abelist/misogynist/transphobic/homophobic/etc money grabbing no moral having slime balls will say something in a live then backtrack/manipulate/gaslight and try to turn it around and point blank deny it was said while saying “show me the proof/evidence” yet the first thing they ask when they’re called out on something is for ‘proof/evidence’ and they want screen shots/recordings BUT if you show screen shots/recordings then it’s “oh my god this is wrong, why is everything always recorded!?”

Also regarding the racism if I, personally, heard a friend/family member say something racist or saw them do something racist I would call them out on it whether it was something that happened 10 seconds ago or 10 years ago. If you see if/hear it that’s on you to call it out as with any kind of behavior like that because it’s frankly disgusting! And I’m certain people here feel the same way.
Yet that group of Mean Girls wannabes doesn’t give a crap! They actually seem to be enjoying that behaviour. It’s sickening.

On the same note as well with calling people ‘pedlo’ when they’re 100% not that and there’s no evidence to back it just because “f off” was said like WHAT IN THE WORLD!? I’m told to F off on the daily. Me and my Mother have actual dissing wars (for fun) where we think of creative insults to call one another BUT never in my life would I call someone that unless they were it and I knew for sure they were. And Tony’s excuses? PISS POOR! “Meant to call them pedlo enablers” my left butt cheek!

And Chester!!! Mother of F that piece of CRAP! I seriously am just…I don’t ever normally say this and I don’t say it lightly but I H A T E him! He is vile! Atrocious! Scum!
I was scrolling through the live feeds and happened across that live right at the beginning (brand new to watching lives) I saw Chester in that live and saw what he was doing and I called him out on it! He pulled up my profile and said that I looked ‘depressed’ in reply to me saying he was being racist.
Then he kicked me from the live.
I messaged several ‘big’ creators afterward that I discovered were close to Chester to let them know what had happened and asking them to have a word with Chester because frankly if that was someone I knew I’d want to be made aware and I’d want to have a word with them and call them out on it as well. I didn’t get a response. Then I went in Alex’s live and I messaged him and he said (in the live - putting me on blast) that if I had a problem with Chester it was my job to call him out. Call Chester out and have him ignore me? Then in that same live Alex said that people shouldn’t be calling other people out etc etc etc. If you’re made aware of that utter atrocity you call it out but because that group all make money together they stick together and don’t care about being racist/etc. Cretins, the entire group!

Anyway, sorry everyone for such a massive rant…just been keeping it in and it was eating me up.
Feb 28, 2024
I’m realising that I joined this whole thing in like Book 3…. There is historical beef and hints to old storylines that I have no idea about.

When did Angie / Miss Red / Alex start going online together? And were Angie and Miss Red friends I have a vague recollection of them being in the same group

Someone should write a timeline.
I’m realising that I joined this whole thing in like Book 3…. There is historical beef and hints to old storylines that I have no idea about.

When did Angie / Miss Red / Alex start going online together? And were Angie and Miss Red friends I have a vague recollection of them being in the same group

Someone should write a timeline.
Alex used to lowkey troll Angie over a year ago and jump in her box. One night he tried explaining what the girl before him was trying to say and she went nuts, said he worries about girls walking down the street with him about and was vile. He was friends with Paula Chloe etc who were all thrown under the bus by Angie. J was a fan of Angie about a year ago cause she’s drama, she pretty much made miss red like her. Then lots happened between
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