Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 28, 2024
Comment Cafe HQ
Mar 10, 2024
Iv got to admit coming online and seeing you've been blamed for doxing a house with a child in it and making someone suicidal then the whole forum is live talking about it is quite daunting without any back story. I didn't like it when I was simply accused of it yesterday.
They're assholes, they threw so much s and only one speckle landed (in here, but still wasn't landing as a valid explanation). I'm just enjoying the fact they've lied so much to everyone around them it's caused continued attention. Don't sweat what known liars speak when they're being judged.
No I fing don’t! I don’t even live in grimsby ffs my name is grimsby gobbler becuse thats what I call miss red as do others on here!!
I'd always thought it meant like a rabid, messy eater and creased when alex explained its meaning
Apr 10, 2024
Can I just say...I am sick of the "But I didn't know that was racist..." and "I have x race friend..." as an attempted excuse among other stupid things said by these dumb crapheads after they've said/done something heinous! Do/say something racist and take accountability for it in an appropriate manner then don't backtrack and don't be racist again. If you're truly 'uneducated' about what's educated in 2024 educate your fkin self for fks sake it's not other people's jobs to sit around and have to tell/show you what is/isn't racist CONSTANTLY. Also literally are people braindead? Even toddlers can grasp what is/isn't right so essentially these people are less intelligent than actual toddlers! They're saying that they're so thick they can not they lack common sense. It's actually not difficult to know how not to be a racist a-hole. Like fkin there is no excuse. "I was born in a different time..." AND? "I didn't get taught about any of this in school..." SO!? "In my family/friend group everyone says/does this..." YOUR POINT IS? Literally they can all get fked.
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