Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 13, 2024
Did anyone catch what Maryanne said that made NannyD upset? If I’m honest I scroll out of the lives when Maryanne gets in a box.
Do u guys want me to leave? Cus I don’t want to keep defending myself telling u all I’m not miss red, J, cockerfuckingpoo, Alex anyone associated with them people because honestly I’m not, I made a bad joke today saying I liked cockerpoo it backfired massively and since then I’ve had people think I’m one of them 😔 before I made that comment nobody even questioned me? again if u actually wanna no who I am message me and I’ll send u who I am I’ve nothing to hide honestly? I love being here and it’s helped me so much I wish I’d commented sooner, I’ve had this account since last year and I was a silent watcher, and decided to join in as I loved reading and watching what u did please let me no 🙏🙏

Don't you dare let anyone run away from here!!
As long as your still enjoying yourself stay !!
This trying to out everyone for who they are, or what they've said has gotta stop too it's causing a divide & not looking great tbh.
Ffs if people don't like or trust anyone they can choose to click ingore.
But please just stay & keep being you. ❤️
Nov 14, 2023
Every Where
Here you go Tam.


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Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Then take it to dms? Why are we theorising who’s who? Amongst each other as well?
Especially when so many are arguing between themselves in here and then others are threatening to dox 😂

Considering Tony is all on my profile like a hawk it’s a tad dangerous to throw any names out there when you have no idea of anything for certain.

Frankly I’m a bit disappointed because I thought collectively we were working well as but the last day or so things have been weird in here.
Are you Jodie Leigh !!


Mar 27, 2024
Jodie love, if this is you

I’ve said it in your thread and I’ll say it again: go take some you time. Stop getting involved in drama that doesn’t concern you and if you’re worried about being caught out… don’t post about Tony then?

Or Go back to your twitter and beg for your wish throne gifts while you enjoy your pip for your non-existent disabilities. I’m sick of your s.

If this isn’t Jodie I apologise, but if it is.. well read above again.
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
She has really let herself down with this. Homophobia isn’t ok and it’s wild after a week of calling out racism she discriminates against another community. Wrong is wrong.
Theory - and I'm not saying it's right. I wonder if Taurian and that are trying to bait Angie/Wayne and the racists into discussing a topic they will defend and matching them with same ignorance they've had all week. Again I'm not saying it's right but it's the vibe Iv been getting.
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I'm grand

Mar 7, 2024
Evening luvs, I’m 50 pages behind 😭 Anything notable since this afternoon 👀
Alex got banned
Some girl went into fang's Live asking for her to be alone with fange as she was really nervous Or something. Told Angie that's Alex took the piss out of her for being gay and something else (can't remember) . She's now live and lapping up the clout I believe?
Pearl told Ange she's not invited to the party coz she's an alcoholic!
Meanwhile in here there's beef between a few and I'm not paying attention to much of it coz I don't know WTF is going on.
I've been napping all evening so I'm only catching bits here and there.
Oh and tam was mod in badgyals live and there was uproar and now she's not.
That's All I can remember
Mar 11, 2024
You have written too literate to be Red and not literate enough to be Cockershit, too much to be Alex cos I reckon he'd get fed up after the first sentence and not cocky enough for J. IMO
Cokerpoo ain’t that literate she don’t know her “there to her their “ 🤣🤣🤣 I had great pleasure correcting her


Do u guys want me to leave? Cus I don’t want to keep defending myself telling u all I’m not miss red, J, cockerfuckingpoo, Alex anyone associated with them people because honestly I’m not, I made a bad joke today saying I liked cockerpoo it backfired massively and since then I’ve had people think I’m one of them 😔 before I made that comment nobody even questioned me? again if u actually wanna no who I am message me and I’ll send u who I am I’ve nothing to hide honestly? I love being here and it’s helped me so much I wish I’d commented sooner, I’ve had this account since last year and I was a silent watcher, and decided to join in as I loved reading and watching what u did please let me no 🙏🙏
It was clearly a joke you made, please don't share your identity with anyone. you're fine and there's no reason why you or anyone else should have to leave. No one on here should have to prove who they are to anyone. Relax its all good! 😊
Feb 28, 2024
Listen Claire and some of the others may not be keen on me behind this account atm but they think I’m funny as do on this identity as snooper. Allow it. I’ll still fing vouch on Claire + co not being PLM. They’re good women. Some are mothers and grandmothers and I’m not having that t of a 5”1 man come up with his small man attitude and call them p3dofiles with his whole chest.

I stayed up late and fought to edit the video together for them and to get it out there.
I’ve had people lie about me and it hurts.
They don’t deserve this.
Just looking back at snoopers comments and there are some hints that they are connected to the TikTok people. Gos no wonder people come in and it’s all “I think you’re x” because clearly it’s true 😂
Am I the only truly random NPC here?
Apr 1, 2024
I heard Alex say the other day who tt snooper was. it wasn’t Jodie-Leigh he mentioned is was a males name🤷🏻‍♀️im confused 🤦🏻‍♀️
Well if she’s talking to Alex in private than it says it all doesn’t it🔎😬

She just can’t get away from TikTok or cc but screams struggling with MH on her twitter but still continues to use the app that supposedly sources her MH ~ logic
Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
I can see it on a manipulation basis and I can see it as a tactical basis too. I believe you can’t trust any of them after what I’ve seen/heard about them (Tony, Alex, EQ, Cockerdoodoo, Angie, Miss Red, Miss J, etc) and they all read here…
I suppose if they were to make friendships and attempt things privately, to try and get info? What would they get though, more opinions to hurt their feelings? 😭
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