Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Does anyone watch or has seen that Geordie Princess (real name Julie Askew)?

She's always on tiktok and Instagram on the beg for her drugs, and claiming its got something else. Anyway this week got very interesting.

So this week she was begging for money to attend an appointment (first it was Middlesbrough, then Sunderland and then somewhere else) on Friday. Idiots gave her money and she obviously spent it on drugs.

On the Thursday it came out that she was actually due in court in Newcastle. Come Friday she's blubbering how people have let her down, and the usual bullshit.

Anyway she didn't attend court and was found guilty in her absence and a warrant issued for her arrest. When the police catch up with her it will be straight on remand until sentencing as she has done this before. A few weeks ago FOR THE SAME CASE she didn't attend. Again many excuses that she didn't know she was due in court to she didn't have any money to go to court (but strangely seems to have forgot the day before asking people for money to go to court).
There's not many people I hate, but she's one of them.
She fired up a live after she had fed her partner drugs- Knowing they were laced with all kinds of s. She was more interested in views whilst pretending to be on the phone to the emergency services and giving him CPR.
A lot of people from my neck of the woods can't stand her, she bullied a young girl for months, to the brink where she was living in constant fear and contemplated taking her own life - All because the poor girl complained about endless parties and her music being blasted day and night.
A few people watched it unfold on TT, so they got together and went to give her a taste of her own medicine, her arse fell out and she called the cops, they carted her off for her own safety. The girl she bullied finally started leaving her house again after hiding with her curtains closed and lights out. She foolishly decided to sit her vile arse on the streets of Newcastle, baring in mind she had made a lot of enemies.
She went running from Newcastle, because she was going to get seriously hurt.
She'll bully and scam the vulnerable. She's had her arse handed to her a few times but she'll never learn. The girl is a walking mess with a mouth bigger than the channel tunnel.


Mar 23, 2024
Ok Lindi
Wow 😯
Each and every single 1 of pearls friends should be held accountable they condoned what she did the first time round they made excuse after excuse they deflected the situation to sway people from talking about and they are still continuing to do so. They will wait for it all to die down and they will he straight back in her box she will be back in their lives, they will all still be fully in contact away from the app. People are chatting so much s today fing none of them deserve this pitty party!
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