Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 29, 2024
They're fs though , at least your Hubby has a moral compass. I can't wait for the fers to get kicked out at the next GE! We have a no politics thing at work because it causes arguments but it's so funny sometimes 😭
It's shocking what they are doing, I have agoraphobia and other MH due to being a failed child in the care system. There do up why I need the extra help. We was hoping today we would find out when the next GE is but nothings been said


Feb 28, 2024
Spying in your lives on my real account
Cockerpoo wants you to respond to polls so she can block you
Cockerpoo can do off, since she only muted me on my third account cos I said me and j are besties I tried to push my luck and ask her to unblock me cos me and j are besties and I miss her. But instead she blocked my 3rd account 🤦🏽‍♀️
Not to worry I’ve got another 5 that I can use for now.
I even had people saying justice for sour cherries in the chat, I bet the t blocked them 🫣😭😭😭
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
I’m sick of her now! When will CC be doing a live? This needs putting out there because obviously not alot of people have seen baguettes video about that snoopy account
Anyone with enough followers can go live and say whatever they like. We aren't a cult. I'll just make it clear though I don't want anyone ever speaking on behalf of me, I mean absolutely everything I say and I am never sorry for how it makes anyone feel 😭😭
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