Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 5, 2024
I don't think she's admitted , but it's widely known , it just doesn't sit with my moral compass as a parent. That and the fact Chester is now coming out with this other stuff (which I don't think is true btw) it's just mad that a parent would let their teenage son be friends with someone nearly 3 times their age x

Frenchy (the guy that's usually in Angies) came up in the boxes to talk about it and as soon as he mentioned it he was dropped quick time , that speaks volumes to me , almost like it's being silenced. I don't get care if it happened two years ago , it's still wrong.
Apart from the EQ thing, it proves Canadian Angie is a snide t, she slammed the conversation down.

EQ isn't all powerful but she is a nasty t who can cause se for creators.

Canadian Angie is the t box
Cat Fail GIF

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
Apart from the EQ thing, it proves Canadian Angie is a snide t, she slammed the conversation down.

EQ isn't all powerful but she is a nasty t who can cause se for creators.

Canadian Angie is the t box
Cat Fail GIF
It's just morally wrong , my morals won't let me look past this to even partly like EQ , She'd of stood by RED 100% if she hadn't of chose DG , it's just leaving a bitter taste in my mouth tbf.
Feb 29, 2024
Waffle waffle
Like her or hate her EQ has alot of power on tiktok... its scary really. All of this has happened to Red for daring to choose DG over EQ. Her leaving Spartans box battle last night caused it to be cancelled... now shes getting down Reds followers. She's very very manipulative

Im here for her getting down Reds followers tho 🤣🤣🤣
All this started because of alex brigham, he was the 1 who mentioned Zac, then MK had a go, this had nothing to do with EQ
Feb 28, 2024
I don't think she's admitted , but it's widely known , it just doesn't sit with my moral compass as a parent. That and the fact Chester is now coming out with this other stuff (which I don't think is true btw) it's just mad that a parent would let their teenage son be friends with someone nearly 3 times their age x

Frenchy (the guy that's usually in Angies) came up in the boxes to talk about it and as soon as he mentioned it he was dropped quick time , that speaks volumes to me , almost like it's being silenced. I don't get care if it happened two years ago , it's still wrong.
oh yeh i heard that last night! wow god ive had a bout 20 seconds sleep... but i rememeber a scouse guy coming in talking and everything went silent and theyd dropped him. I reckon canadian angie was like s if i say anything eq qill go mental at me.
Its all coming back to me - i saw chester after drunk off his nut to about 40 people -saying that Danny blackmailed EQto stay quiet about whatever was being said in that live
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I believe Miss Red really does have the anxiety ss right now. All the Tenerife food is vacating her as we speak. Probably called an ambulance again due to the TikTok anxiety. Alex will probably fire up a live soon about what this hate train is doing to “Donna” and he will stab anyone that makes her cry, or something. I dunno
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