Reds in the box on alexgoeslive_
Where did you get my selfie?
Assuming this is what Alicia thinks we all look like then
I just ordered bots for my account darlingOk what CC member is going to host a live? we need to get facts out not biased bs
It does, but man she is one evil human. The videos were endless of her demeaning every race and religion in existence. Even age of the person doesn’t stop her. I just can’t support that kind of behavior.The one thing I “respect”, losely used, is that she’s a self aware, up front, t. You know where you are and know she’ll have an agenda always. I’d rather an honest t, than a sly one. Does that make sense?
Apparently needs a day to recuperateMISS RED IS IN PRINCE BRAT SAID SHES ON LIVE TOMORROW AT 10
Bottled it as I'm sure in Friday they said they land at 10 or something like thatDidn't land until 5? Well, you knew your flight time when you said you'd be on today at 10. 100% bottled it.
She's a cocky wee tThe attitude on her She’s not going to take accountability for s tomorrow it’s very obvious.