Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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CLAs Fish Pie

Apr 7, 2024
Somewhere only I Know
The only time I’d condone whooping your sons ass 😂😂
Joke I would never condone that
Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
So Alex Brigham and Luke the judge has been blackmailing Felicity the last few months telling her keep her mouth shut or her private business that they knew would be exposed
What vile human beings they are to do this to a woman who has since had mental health problems due to the blackmailing
How can anyone support or follow these vile people Alex Brigham thinks he is untouchable and who does luke the puke think he is
We need to hold these two accountable for their discusting behaviour of bullying and blackmailing
I an sickened by their actions ,and that they even think they can do this and get away with it THIS MUST BE STOPPED
I haven’t done much scrolling yet but is there any recordings of this for me to report it tomorrow? 🩵
Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
Dogs > Humans , you can usually tell what kind of person you're interacting with , with how well their pooch is loved :love: :love: , I'd go without if it meant mine was able to eat and be healthy
I’m married, you’re married - stop ✋🏼 you mustn’t speak this way, it’ll bring about the ladies 🤣🤣🤣
Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
Woah wtf. You know that she was actually a victim of financial manipulation? Put your feelings for her aside for a moment - she truly was a victim although she is intelligent and has capacity.

Once she showed their entire message stream on a live and I read the entire thing. She was led on bu him over an extensive period of time. He had also done similar with another woman it turned out. Situations of grooming and manipulation are not linear or black and white, so although she may have lent into it / behaved irrationally at times, that doesn’t discount the fact.

Hopefully the fact that I’m a pretty good sense checker historically should make it clear that I’m under no bias when I say this. Like i said the other day I’ve a lot of insight into various scams cults grooming and manipulation on this app. And this is one of the less straightforward and less understood types.

Sorry for my rant
Oh s, I had no idea about this 😯
Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
I might sound like a soppy bastard here by saying this,I fully expect to be to be kicked to the curb😅 because we at CC don’t do soppy, kindness, and goodwill. I’m sorry😭😂

After reading MrsD’s post that jusdas is taking some time Mh time out,I hope everyone one of you dickwads are doing ok🤗.
TikTok has been so bad these last few weeks and some of the topics are that have been spoken about are quite sensitive subjects. As we’re all strangers to each other, neither one of us know what’s really going on in someone’s personal life. As humans we’re very good at hiding our feelings and pretending things are ok.

Please look after your MH & take time away from social media if needs be☺️.

I hope all you
dickheads are having a fan’fing’tastic evening✌🏽🤎
Friends Love GIF by BIGI_TV
It does annoy me that EQ has managed to make herself the focus of attention on the app. I can’t help but feel like it could be intentional. EQ will always have supporters that love the bad things she says and does, I don’t think she would have any problem throwing herself in the firing line. She isn’t affected by negativity and she will openly say she gets more views from it. I just trust no one. New war, everyone forgets the racism, the photo sharing, tune into red 10am to see what she has to say about EQ 🙄 all very convenient
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