Elon Musk



R to @elonmusk: To be clear, all user actions will factor into a NN model for a tweet and the account tweeting, including positive actions.

As user accounts develop credibility, their actions will have greater weight, similar to how @CommunityNotes works.



R to @wrvb3: A two day suspension of maybe 7 accounts for doxxing got an actual Wikipedia page!? Wikipedia is controlled by the MSM journalists. Can’t trust that site anymore.



R to @stillgray: If an account engages in large-scale blocking, the value of a block signal from that account will trend to zero



R to @yashar: If a group of accounts engages in “brigading”, the entire group of accounts will get a credibility score of zero, so their actions will be ineffective



R to @elonmusk: In addition, Twitter will make it easier to see tweets from just those you follow, as well as other tweet curations