Elon Musk



If Tesla cured cancer, the headlines would be, “Elon Musk puts oncologists out of business.”



protip: if you’re considering sending death threats to strangers on the internet, instead you should consider not doing that



R to @paulg: Generational trauma. An example of why forgiveness of those who harmed you (if it stops further harm) is so important.



R to @paulg: He says that almost without exception people who do terrible things had terrible childhoods. And often this was because their parents had terrible childhoods. It's a cycle that repeats for generations.



I asked a friend who's a criminal defense lawyer what he'd change about the world to fix the most problems. He specializes in death penalty cases, so he's seen a lot. I expected him to say drugs, but he said if he could change one thing, it would be to make people better parents.



Communicating honest feedback is very hard. I now give very blunt advice because I realized all of the most impactful advice I’ve gotten in my career has been blunt. Blunt friends/coworkers/advisors are the heroes of my life story.



RT by @elonmusk: Camp Mode maintains cabin temperature, airflow & interior lighting while you sleep 🏕️