Elon Musk



R to @stillgray: Exactly. Twitter should be easy to use, but no more relentless free advertising of competitors. No traditional publisher allows this and neither will Twitter.



R to @TrungTPhan: Casually sharing occasional links is fine, but no more relentless advertising of competitors for free, which is absurd in the extreme



R to @elonmusk: Policy will be adjusted to suspending accounts only when that account’s *primary* purpose is promotion of competitors, which essentially falls under the no spam rule



Going forward, there will be a vote for major policy changes. My apologies. Won’t happen again.



R to @WholeMarsBlog: The question is not finding a CEO, the question is finding a CEO who can keep Twitter alive



R to @lexfridman: You must like pain a lot. One catch: you have to invest your life savings in Twitter and it has been in the fast lane to bankruptcy since May. Still want the job?



R to @WallStreetSilv: No one wants the job who can actually keep Twitter alive. There is no successor.