Elon Musk



R to @FelixSchlang: That would be ironic, since I am literally the single biggest supporter of Ukraine outside of major governments.

The peace plan I proposed was for the benefit of Ukraine. This will become utterly obvious, if it isn’t already.



R to @RichardDawkins: The woke mind virus is penetrating the firewalls of some of the world’s smartest meat computers at a prodigious rate!



New Twitter navigation coming in Jan that allows swiping to side to switch between recommended & followed tweets, trends, topics, etc.

Until then, tap stars icon on upper right of home screen to switch.



R to @TheBabylonBee: The sheer amount of brand awareness achieved by Greta within a few years is astounding. I think she’s cool tbh.



R to @jasondebolt: Twitter gives you immediate news from the actual sources themselves vs filtered, hidden-agenda “news” that is days old