Elon Musk



Long day at Twitter HQ with eng team

Two significant problems mostly addressed:

1. Fanout service for Following feed was getting overloaded when I tweeted, resulting in up to 95% of my tweets not getting delivered at all. Following is now pulling from search (aka Earlybird).…



R to @cb_doge: Yes. Advertising also needs to be semantic keyword-based, so it’s contextually relevant. Amazingly, ads shown when doing twitter searches don’t consider the search words! We’re changing that as fast as possible.



R to @TitterTakeover: We will transition to using only paid Blue Verified for signals, as otherwise too vulnerable to bot/troll manipulation



R to @BillyM2k: The giant block lists are problematic. They mess up the recommendation system & create a DDoS vector.



R to @markusreimer: v11.3 (single stack) goes to limited beta this week. Probably 11.3.2 before wide release in North America.

Then we adapt for EU roads & submit to regulators. 90% of what we’ve done so far for NA applies WW.



R to @chris_lamma: That’s pretty much exactly what I look like when searching for snacks at 2am



R to @MuskUniversity: Maybe that’s what bacteria think as they encounter your water filter



R to @elonmusk: More work team completed over night:

- Removed height penalty affecting tweets with pics/video
- increased # of recommended tweets
- Better tracking of dropped tweets
- Removed filter causing false negatives
- Removed penalty if user follows author
- Improved reach of retweet



R to @farzyness: Exactly. This will greatly increase public awareness that a Tesla can drive itself (supervised for now).