Elon Musk



R to @McFaul: Ukraine needs to be in max defense mode. Major Russian offensive coming.

Do you know how many casualties each side has taken?



R to @kkbaghel: Neither side has air superiority & tanks are easily destroyed by missiles, so that leaves infantry & artillery – basically WW1. Drones are not yet available in sufficient numbers to matter, much like aircraft in WW1.

A defense in depth trench war means https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defence_in_depth…



R to @Erdayastronaut: Raptor start is now reliable on the test stand under most conditions.

Now we’re working on dynamically adapting the start sequence based on increasingly difficult propellant inlet pressures & temps.

Operating with low pressure, “warm” liquid oxygen is particularly important.



R to @ajtourville: Wow, 9 years ago. Amazingly, the US was dependent on Russian engines for national security missions back then!



R to @O42nl: Tesla does INT8 inference. Way more efficient than FP16, but took us a lot of effort to overcome quantization errors.