Elon Musk



R to @george__mack: I thought both SpaceX and Tesla each had less then a 10% chance of success



R to @TeslaDiva99: Tesla car temp is automatically kept within a safe range, even when the car appears “off”, in order to protect infants & pets.

That said, it would be more convenient to keep the car “on” for entertainment & comfort if the camera detects occupants. We will make that change.



R to @TheChiefNerd: Leading AGI developers will not heed this warning, but at least it was said



R to @TwitterSafety: Given that there are ~500 million tweets per day, making individual human review impossible, this is the most salient point.

One possible mitigation is a shorter suspension of 6 hours instead of 12.



R to @BillyM2k: AI optimizing for the greatest understanding of the universe might be the right objective. Eliminating or stunting human civilization would reduce understanding.



R to @GRDecter: Serious issue. US policy has been too heavy-handed, making countries want to ditch the dollar.



R to @elonmusk: Combined with excess government spending, which forces other countries to absorb a significant part of our inflation



RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Just Read the Instructions droneship



Old joke about agnostic technologists building artificial super intelligence to find out if there’s a God.

They finally finish & ask the question.

AI replies: “There is now, mfs!!”