Elon Musk



R to @KnowledgeArchiv: The Roman corvus, invented for the Battle of Mylae, would probably have been faster.

Carthage thought they had the best fleet. Their overconfidence led to their defeat.



R to @BillyM2k: Say that at a party, then spit in their drinks & walk out the room. Baller move.



Tbh, I’m just hoping a media org that takes itself way too seriously writes a story about Harry Bōlz …



R to @micsolana: I think we should legalize it. The probability of overdose or a bad batch is greatly reduced if there is actual QA & regulation.

Also, crime flourishes when substances are made illegal. Alcohol is very much a “drug” – it’s just a legacy drug from olden times when we had no technology!

Prohibition of alcohol in the United States caused the greatest increase in organized crime in our history. How many times do we have to learn this lesson!?



An advantage of having organizational affiliation on this platform is that you can change your name without losing verification.

More importantly, it helps greatly with reducing impersonation fraud.



R to @WallStreetSilv: Their technology is so ancient. World of Warcraft economy is lightyears better (actually).



R to @KanekoaTheGreat: Almost no one among the cognoscenti even knows this.

Why does our western press insist on pushing such a lopsided view of the conflict?

They must either think that the public is too dumb to understand nuance or the press themselves lack a deep understanding.



R to @elonmusk: 2003 is an old survey, so Russian doesn’t dominate as much then as in 2012, but the point remains valid



R to @elonmusk: Michael, did you get the same “guaranteed year of income” from Substack as Matt?



R to @investmattallen: We’re enabling users to post long articles & earn income from subscribers, but we’re not excluding other media.

Substack was temporarily categorized as “unsafe” when we discovered that they were illegally downloading vast amounts of data to pre-populate their Twitter clone.