Elon Musk



R to @elonmusk: I don’t think the American public understands that people from all countries are crossing the southern border, as it is so easy to do so



R to @TeslaSynopsis: Once FSD is super smooth (not just safe), we will roll out a free month trial for all cars in North America.

Then extend to rest of world after we ensure it works well on local roads and regulators approve it in that country.



R to @krassenstein: It’s not a military invasion like Ukraine, but it’s also inaccurate to refer to everyone crossing the border as a refugee



R to @CNN: Any organization that puts quotas above merit, instantly devalues their awards



R to @YouGovAmerica: My earnest hope is that Americans of all political beliefs trust this platform



R to @ICannot_Enough: Yeah, it’s insane! Roughly 70% of Earth is ocean and most of the ocean has zero ships per Starlink cell.

Most people think Earth is crowded with humans, but in reality it’s almost empty by surface area. Humans congregate in a very small percentage of Earth (cities).

The entire population of Earth can fit in New York City on one floor, as @waitbutwhy calculated.



R to @SawyerMerritt: The awareness of the capability of FSD is still shockingly low, even among Tesla owners



R to @DirtyTesLa: We always prioritize safety over smoothness. After we achieve a higher tier of safety, then we polish the experience.

Very important to both both safe and smooth for new users to be comfortable with FSD.



R to @EvaFoxU: Will consider.

We’re taking steps to improve the processing rate of verification, which has been terrible at times.



RT by @elonmusk: In the time it takes you to read this tweet, the expansion of the universe will carry this gorgeous spiral galaxy, called NGC 3147, another 31,000 miles away from us. That’s about four Earth diameters. #MondayMotivation