Elon Musk



RT by @elonmusk: Starlink enables greater access to healthcare and medical services, especially for those in remote locations.

Thanks to the @PolarisProgram, this @StJude hospital in the Philippines is better connected with researchers and doctors worldwide 🛰️🌎🩺



R to @Teslaconomics: I’m not doing an interview with CNBC, the organization, I’m doing an interview with David Faber at Ari Emanuel’s recommendation. If David was at another news org, I would still do it.



RT by @elonmusk: We are today sharing an update on our approach in Turkey.

We were in negotiation with the Turkish Government throughout last week, who made clear to us Twitter was the only social media service not complying in full with existing court orders.

We received what we believed to be a final threat to throttle the service - after several such warnings - and so in order to keep Twitter available over the election weekend, took action on four accounts and 409 Tweets identified by court order.

We communicated our concerns about freedom of expression directly.

We will continue to object in court, as we have done with all requests, but no further legal action was possible before the start of voting.

Five court orders have been issued against Twitter regarding these actions and we have already objected to four of them. While one of our objections has been rejected, three of them are still under review. We are filing our objections to the fifth order tomorrow.

We are publishing below the court orders and the regulator's correspondence relating to the action we took.


Bugün Türkiye politikamızla ilgili bir bilgilendirme yapmak istiyoruz.

Geçen hafta boyunca Türk Hükümeti ile müzakere halindeydik ve bize Twitter'ın mevcut mahkeme kararlarının tamamına uymayan tek sosyal medya kuruluşu olduğunu belirttiler.

Bu tür birkaç uyarıdan sonra, Twitter’a yönelik bant daraltılması konusunda son bir tehdit olduğuna inandığımız bir uyarı aldık ve bu nedenle Twitter'ı hafta sonunda yapılan seçim süresince kullanılabilir durumda tutmak için 4 hesaba ve 409 Tweete erişim engelleme işlemi uyguladık.

İfade özgürlüğü ile ilgili endişelerimizi doğrudan yetkililere ilettik.

Tüm taleplerde yaptığımız gibi burada da mahkeme kararlarına itiraz etmeye devam edeceğiz, ancak oy verme işleminin hemen öncesinde başvurulabilecek başka bir yasal yol yoktu.

Şu ana kadar erişim kısıtlamalarına konu içerik ile ilgili Twitter aleyhine beş mahkeme kararı düzenlenmiştir ve biz bunlardan dört tanesine itiraz ettik. İtirazlarımızdan biri reddedilirken, diğer üç mahkeme karari halen ilgili mahkemeler tarafından incelenmektedir. Beşinci mahkeme kararına yarın itiraz edeceğiz.

Aşağıda erişim engelleme işlemleriyle ilgili verilen mahkeme kararlarının ve düzenleyici kurum yazışmalarının bir kopyasını yayınlıyoruz.



Tesla Powerwall does the seem for individual homes (if you have the backup switch installed)



R to @unusual_whales: This is idiotic on so many levels:

1. That cretin never advised me on anything whatsoever.

2. The notion that I would need or listen to financial advice from a dumb crook is absurd.

3. JPM let Tesla down ten years ago, despite having Tesla’s global commercial banking business, which we then withdrew. I have never forgiven them.



R to @stillgray: We’ve pushed harder for free speech than any other Internet company, including Wokipedia @jimmy_wales



R to @krassenstein: You assume they are good intentions. They are not. He wants to erode the very fabric of civilization. Soros hates humanity.