Elon Musk



RT by @elonmusk: Once you’ve tasted the full phone to car and technological experience of a Tesla you can’t go back to any other cars. There’s nothing like it on the market by a mile.

It’s all the small things that quickly adds up to make you never want to drive anything else, ever.



R to @Teslaconomics: All real & hot of the presses. Tesla Optimus team cranked super hard through the weekend to get it done. They are awesome!



Love to see Starlink providing great connectivity to those who had little or nothing before.

As soon as you can access the Internet, you can learn almost anything, so it’s absolutely essential for education.

@khanacademy being a great example.



R to @elonmusk: At the risk of bragging a little, I do an incredible job of digging my own grave!