Elon Musk



Lot of noise about @RonDeSantis announcing & discussing his Presidential bid on this platform.

But you what isn’t noise? Setting an all-time record for fundraising!

Worth considering for announcements in general.



RT by @elonmusk: Thank you to Tesla owners for making Model Y the world’s bestselling car in Q1 this year!



RT by @elonmusk: Another step closer to Mars — the first flight test of a fully integrated Starship and Super Heavy rocket



R to @SpaceX: Major launchpad upgrades should be complete in about a month, then another month of rocket testing on pad, then flight 2 of Starship



R to @WholeMarsBlog: A surprising number of people simply haven’t tried it yet, so have no idea



R to @rookisaacman: Starship is the first rocket/spaceship with the potential to make life multiplanetary



R to @loic: I have made the invitation several times, including in the DeSantis Spaces itself!