Elon Musk




The NHS have banned puberty blockers for children outside of clinical research.

This day will go down in history as the day that safeguarding of children came back into existence.



Breaking: The United States has just announced a $2.1 billion military aid package for Ukraine.

This includes munitions for Patriot air defense systems.

This will help Ukraine better defend itself against Russia.

This will help prevent Russian aggression.

This is a bipartisan supported package although some republicans are against it.

What are your thoughts?



Apple To Stop Autocorrecting Swear Word To 'Ducking' On iPhone



R to @EndWokeness: The UK has centralized data, due to their national health service, so they know what a catastrophe this is




The UK National Health Service just banned puberty blockers for minors

The fact that the US public health institutions still support these drugs is proof that they’re just another arm of the regime



R to @shadygrooove: Kids who are so young they think Santa is literally true obviously cannot understand the concept of “gender”



CA Sen. Scott Weiner passed a bill in 2020 to lower penalties for sodomy with 14 year olds

He just introduced a bill to classify it as abuse not to “affirm” a child’s trans identity