Elon Musk



R to @JohnLegere: I like both you and Mike! It’s just that Twitter at its core is a software & servers company. The technology needs to evolve rapidly, which requires a technologist.



R to @People4Bernie: Are you suggesting the Senator will abuse his political power to attack me?



Rolling out soon, Twitter will enable organizations to identify which other Twitter accounts are actually associated with them



R to @johnkrausphotos: Ultimately, I think there is no choice but for Twitter to be the final arbiter, but I’m open to suggestions



Btw, I’d like to apologize for Twitter being super slow in many countries. App is doing >1000 poorly batched RPCs just to render a home timeline!



R to @engineers_feed: Output of any company is the vector sum of people within it. Someone may be a strong vector, but negatively affect those around them to such a degree that they are a net negative.



R to @HSajwanization: I hope they keep cursing me on Twitter, as it increases advertising revenue!