Elon Musk



R to @Popeska: Why is Twitter unusably slow in many countries? Seems odd that this would be bandwidth only.



R to @schrep: Twitter is very slow in India, Indonesia & many other countries. This is fact, not “claim”.

10 to 15 secs to refresh homeline tweets is common. Sometimes, it doesn’t work at all, especially on Android phones.

Only question is how much delay is due to bandwidth/latency/app.



R to @elonmusk: There are ~1200 “microservices” server side, of which ~40 are critical to Twitter working at all, according to server control team.

Trimming down that 1200 number, reducing data usage, serialized trips & simplifying app are all needed to improve speed of use.



R to @WholeMarsBlog: Starlink is rebuilding the Internet in space, so maybe I know slightly more than some guy who wrote code for a website



R to @schrep: True. Server side can (and has been) brute-forced, but that can’t solve weak Internet connections & older phones.

Worth noting that Twitter in India & many other countries is slow even on latest iPhone.



R to @schrep: Server control team knows because they stop working from time to time. That’s why they have the “critical 40” list.



R to @unusual_whales: I would like to apologize for firing these geniuses. Their immense talent will no doubt be of great use elsewhere.