Elon Musk



R to @WholeMarsBlog: Electric cargo ships are straightforward, as are short to medium range electric aircraft. Long-range aircraft (beyond ~1500 mile) will take a few more years.



R to @MuskUniversity: In the past, victory would mean that your enemies are no longer around. These days, they’re not only alive & well, but have lots of time on their hands to edit Wikipedia!



R to @karpathy: The ratio of total digital to total biological compute is the key metric to watch – it is rising incredibly fast



R to @stillgray: Most of Earth: “The MSM is biased.”
Wikipedia: “Cite MSM source to confirm this claim.” 🤣🤣

Wikipedia has a non-trivial left-wing bias.

@jimmy_wales, what are your thoughts?



R to @mtaibbi: In light of concerns about Baker’s possible role in suppression of information important to the public dialogue, he was exited from Twitter today