Elon Musk



R to @unusual_whales: Controversial decisions were often made without getting Jack’s approval and he was unaware of systemic bias. The inmates were running the asylum.

Jack has a pure heart imo.



R to @p_ferragu: When there are macroeconomic risks, it is generally wise to avoid using margin loans on any company, as stocks may move in ways that are decoupled from their long-term potential



R to @BillyM2k: Tweets will show view count in a few weeks, just like videos do. Twitter is much more alive than people think.



R to @elonmusk: These are obvious account deletions with no tweets & no log in for years



R to @TitterTakeover: I slept on a couch in the Twitter library and I don’t ever wear slippers



R to @saylor: The general principle of improving signal to noise is incredibly important



R to @Cernovich: It is a crime that they refused to take action on child exploitation for years!



R to @eltonofficial: I love your music. Hope you come back. Is there any misinformation in particular that you’re concerned about?