Elphaba Orion Doherty @elphabaoriodoherty

Apr 21, 2023
Good, God. I’m surprised there hasn’t been a thread created already.
She’s always over my FYP! I think she’s besties with CLA.
Her head is louping with head lice! 🤢
From what I watched earlier, CLA had booted her out at 2am. You don’t know what to believe on tik tok.


New member
Apr 28, 2023
My daughter has followed her for years and she have just gone downhill dramatically as her followers have increased. Drama just follows her
Apr 18, 2023
She’s a disgrace. She’s making stupid decisions now that will affect her entire life. Any employer would see her social media footprint and not touch her.

But I’d much rather see EQ brought down. I know her from years ago and she is absolutely disgusting. She used to do Facebook lives while driving, and shout out the windows at kids waiting on the school bus to kill themselves. I saw it with my own eyes.

Elphaba is a giant asshole. CLA is mentally unstable and will end up having a massive breakdown, or ending up in jail. But evil queen is truly evil. The people who send these people money honestly make me scared for society. That people want to support that behaviour.
Jul 12, 2023
I only joined this site to comment on this thing. I am unable to join the other site (not important enough) but do read the complete nonsense people say about it,and my eye's roll so far back I walk backwards.She is not pretty at all 🙄 no..not even when it washes it's hair,once every few month's. It's not pretty when it puts make up on. She cannot sing. She is note adorable or cute 🙄🙄🙄. It's absolutely fing filthy and the ugliest thing I have seen in a very long time. It doesn't want to be a women,it wants to be a witch. The only single reason she became popular is because people cannot say a word against her as it's Trans. Guess what..gay,straight,trans,man,woman or witch you are accountable for being a vile filthy stinking s heap. It actually makes me physically sick to look at it.How these people get away with sitting in their own filth n earning money off complete weirdos baffles me. Why would you go to work and send your money to these people ??? Why ?? I honestly thought the COL crisis would end all this bullshit;
Apr 21, 2023
I only joined this site to comment on this thing. I am unable to join the other site (not important enough) but do read the complete nonsense people say about it,and my eye's roll so far back I walk backwards.She is not pretty at all 🙄 no..not even when it washes it's hair,once every few month's. It's not pretty when it puts make up on. She cannot sing. She is note adorable or cute 🙄🙄🙄. It's absolutely fing filthy and the ugliest thing I have seen in a very long time. It doesn't want to be a women,it wants to be a witch. The only single reason she became popular is because people cannot say a word against her as it's Trans. Guess what..gay,straight,trans,man,woman or witch you are accountable for being a vile filthy stinking s heap. It actually makes me physically sick to look at it.How these people get away with sitting in their own filth n earning money off complete weirdos baffles me. Why would you go to work and send your money to these people ??? Why ?? I honestly thought the COL crisis would end all this bullshit;
It’s a boy who dresses up in women’s clothes. It’s a he. A cross dresser. There is nothing feminine about him. He’s filthy disgusting. Big dirty boils all over his skin from lack of hygiene. Lies that he has all these disabilities. He literally makes me sick.

Angel Face

May 12, 2023
Is this the tranny? I dont follow them but from what I’ve heard they’re v dramatic. Doesn’t surprise me…


Jan 21, 2024
I hate watched her for two years then when her dad got exposed I realised I was slightly related to her 😭
Mar 8, 2024
I’m so sick of this fella. He’s so dirty. He absolutely idealises himself that it’s actually just so weird. He’s so ugly. And he’s got such confidence. He cannot sing. He can’t do make up. He will never be a woman. He thinks he is a woman when it couldn’t be further from the truth. He absolutely disgusts me in so many ways. Why people gift him is beyond me. He is so fake. He’s got the worst hygiene. He thinks he is amazing. His kink is definitely being attracted to himself as a transvestite. He isn’t transgender, he just uses it for attention and sympathy. I’ve been dying to get that out hahaha


Mar 9, 2024
Trollsville Village in Trollerton
I have very mixed feeling towards this guy. I think he is completely unhinged and does nothing to help himself and the way he is portrayed, but at the same time it makes me wonder what went wrong in order for him to be the way he is? Can his mother be partly to blame? Has something happened in his life to make him the way he is?
Either way, I think it is quite a sad existence
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