Irish Kelly - The compulsive Liar

This is a thread for people to come and put irish kellys lies straight, because it can't be done in lives because she'll block or cry mental health. ( yes I know your real name isn't "kelly" but it's still about you).

So even if its just me. I'll be calling her lies out here. Its embarrassing for a nearly 50 year old woman to tell so many lies, breaking up so many friendships all because she's a lonely jealous woman.
This is a thread for people to come and put irish kellys lies straight, because it can't be done in lives because she'll block or cry mental health. ( yes I know your real name isn't "kelly" but it's still about you).

So even if its just me. I'll be calling her lies out here. Its embarrassing for a nearly 50 year old woman to tell so many lies, breaking up so many friendships all because she's a lonely jealous woman.
Count me in. Everyone saying “I don’t understand why this is all happening”. The obvious reason is the master manipulator. They just sit there as she goes in on their friends and say nothing, then wonder why everyone’s falling out 🤪
She spouts a lot about plm for someone who surrounds herself with wrongens.
She exposed PLM. Hasn’t she said? Like a million times? 😂😂 the little anger ball probably couldn’t expose her own ass crack. Sat with her ex bestie, Leona, now claiming she’s someone with morals whilst trying to convince people to turn on others with lies. Hope she wakes up with a blocked nose and no tissue to blow it
She sat with Leona for months whilst she was spouting her vile mouth, now she's all sweetness and light? Nah. Well done Chloe for calling it out.
Chloe won’t sit by and nod her head to people that waffle s. How the others aren’t seeing the lies and manipulation out of Kelly’s vile mouth, baffles me! She twists everything and she is so desperate to try convince Chloe’s friend that Chloe’s a bad egg.

Remember her claiming she shows her TERAPIST TikTok’s of Chloe and apparently the TERAPIST claimed Chloe is a narcissist and trying to destroy her? Therapists are not allowed to diagnose anyone that is not their patient. The blatant lies and not one of them said anything, just stayed quiet listening to that over and over. GET A BACKBONE AND STOP BEING SCARED OF A WOMAN THAT CLAIMS EVERYTHING TRIGGERS HER
Mar 14, 2024
That Irish Kelly is the biggest compulsive liar. She didn’t get arrested she just wants people to feel sorry for her the stupid b. It’s always memememe, get a grip. If you want to see your adult kids then do it. Honestly that thing is the definition of a professional victim! I wish more people would go after her till she throws herself out the window
Nov 10, 2023
Just plonking this here for now.


Mar 14, 2024
From what I have seen today it is about time this one got her own thread where people can speak on this collatoral damage! This isn’t bullying as everyone says on the app. People are allowed opinions also feelings are valid! hence why people are here.

Always in peoples boxes! Always playing the victim.Always coming up with a new health issue.

If you notice this one cant seem to hold a friendship for very long for whatever the reason. Always saying she is being bullied. She in her words “Doesn’t do group chats” “Doesn’t do snapchat” “Doesn’t give out her number” “Doesn’t give out her address” well they are lies as the past month if not more everyone seems to have kicked you out of the groups you have been in & you screamed your own address on live.

Let’s be real this thing doesn’t know if they are coming or going. Gone from being a “lesbian” due to bad relationships with men. Then being “bisexual” because let’s face it she wants to be in with the crowd & feel part of it. So she can speak with the straight & bi women about men & not be “judged”. There’s moving with the crowd then there is this thing.

I can know longer find “victim” “trauma” a word that is associated with life experiences or badness that people have had to go threw to survive to today.

Well take a minute to think of her stories & then look at the below article which I was sent asked to read & then go back to the person with a name on who I thought it sounded like.

But here is the article…

P.s Irish if you are reading “You are welcome” Get out of this one 😁

Feb 28, 2024
From what I have seen today it is about time this one got her own thread where people can speak on this collatoral damage! This isn’t bullying as everyone says on the app. People are allowed opinions also feelings are valid! hence why people are here.

Always in peoples boxes! Always playing the victim.Always coming up with a new health issue.

If you notice this one cant seem to hold a friendship for very long for whatever the reason. Always saying she is being bullied. She in her words “Doesn’t do group chats” “Doesn’t do snapchat” “Doesn’t give out her number” “Doesn’t give out her address” well they are lies as the past month if not more everyone seems to have kicked you out of the groups you have been in & you screamed your own address on live.

Let’s be real this thing doesn’t know if they are coming or going. Gone from being a “lesbian” due to bad relationships with men. Then being “bisexual” because let’s face it she wants to be in with the crowd & feel part of it. So she can speak with the straight & bi women about men & not be “judged”. There’s moving with the crowd then there is this thing.

I can know longer find “victim” “trauma” a word that is associated with life experiences or badness that people have had to go threw to survive to today.

Well take a minute to think of her stories & then look at the below article which I was sent asked to read & then go back to the person with a name on who I thought it sounded like.

But here is the article…

P.s Irish if you are reading “You are welcome” Get out of this one 😁

Kathleen? Cos that's not her 😅