Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Apr 12, 2023
Anybody remember the food collection thing? I can’t remember what it was called, where she would take turns to go and collect free food and distribute to members. She had a huge ding dong with senior members of that group too. She will never be a team player, she hasnt got basic communication skills for a start, she’s fed on every level 🤮
Olio 🤣🤣
And every work place
And every friendship group
And every family member
And every online friend
And every neighbour
And now every relationship

I guarantee that her kids will do off as soon as they and she will still find someone else to blame

Apr 16, 2023
has she kicked Dan out yet or will she be sleeping with other guys while he is on an airbed in the living room
She'll be wanting him to beg to his mother to take him back,so then he can take kids there every weekend,so she can bring her numerous men back home instead of driving around all weekend as though she's 18


Apr 21, 2023
Oh my god I remember the Olio days. She was arguing with other food collector volunteers and of course yet again they were all in the wrong and she was in the right 🙄

It pissed me off so much how she would collect all the items and would keep loads of it for herself. I know the rules are the person collecting can keep a small percentage but she used to go overboard and would always keep the best items for herself because she’s so greedy and selfish. She only ever does these ‘good deeds’ because it benefits her. She would always moan if she collected a big haul and it had loads of pastries or loaves of bread but only because these were of no use to her. Why would she care what’s in the bags if she was supposed to be listing them online for others to collect? She would always give away the pastry items but would hoard all the other items like prawns, meats, ready meals. Of course she would hoard all the ready made sandwiches to freeze for dans work. I’m glad she fell out with the other volunteers as she was not good for that app, withholding food from other people who were worst off than her, only giving away all the stuff she didn’t fancy. She’s disgustingly greedy and selfish. Same as that boot sale sorting thing she went to, she was supposed to be there HELPING and lending a hand getting things ready for going to charity shop but of course she used it as an excuse to snatch up absolutely anything and everything that she wanted to hoard,
loaded up the car full of stuff for herself, donated them a measly twenty quid then fed off home with her loot ready to show it off online as if it was something to be proud of. She really is something else. Absolutely no morals when it comes to helping others, it’s all about herself and what she wants. She’s just out for all she can get, even if that means others going without.
Apr 16, 2023
She’s taken a leaf out of Natasha Cherie’s book. She claimed to have broke up with her kid’s dad but he was living with her the whole time.
Exactly,then it's working people footing the bill,and incase your reading here KK i mean proper working people not sitting infront of camera taking pictures of your kebab or playing dress up,i mean lasting longer than a week in a job aswell
Apr 12, 2023
For you basic blocked bitches


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Apr 21, 2023
Desperation,so is im free now guy's ,a hope Dans ran for the hills ,well away from her,bet he can't go far as she'll still expect him pay for house ,my opinion benefit fraud at finest ,not raking it in with only fans,and no way she could afford live without Dans wage
She will claim everything available and take everything he earns to “keep a roof over his kids head” vile, she’s rancid! The worst person I’ve seen ever “on the internet”
Apr 16, 2023
She will claim everything available and take everything he earns to “keep a roof over his kids head” vile, she’s rancid! The worst person I’ve seen ever “on the internet”
Of course she will,she can't afford the rent on her of so she'll have to claim benefits,so by having him round,having meals and family hol she's classed as cohabitating which means she aint a single person which means benefit fraud ,smell💩 a mile off with this woman
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