Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Maggot Robbie

Jun 5, 2023
I have no words.. Admitting to throwing a toy at her daughter in anger and giving her a black eye.

My mother threw a carpet sweeper at me when I was about 8/9 yes old - showing my age here. I got a stonker of a black eye. When my teacher asked me what had happened, I told her. We were constantly reminded that we were always to be honest at that school - big up the Church of England Primary School Massive - and I genuinely just assumed that that sort of thing went on in everyone's home.
My headmaster asked to see me and I repeated what I had told my teacher.
When I got home from school, my mother went nuts at me because she'd had a phonecall from the school. They had told her what I'd said and she told them I was a liar. I had fallen in the garden and I had told them a different story because I wanted attention. I got a wallop for 'lying'.
The next day I was called to see the Headmaster again. He told me he'd spoken to my mum and she'd said I fell in the garden. I didn't say a word. He came and knelt in front of me, looked me right in the eyes and held my hands and told me that he believed me. That he would always believe me and that I should never feel afraid to tell him anything. Ever.
Kkk - you are a spiteful piece of s. I just hope that those children find an adult like my old headmaster that they can confide in and be believed. They deserve better. They will never be balanced in their emotions and personalities if they are simply left in your 'care'.


Aug 13, 2023
My mother threw a carpet sweeper at me when I was about 8/9 yes old - showing my age here. I got a stonker of a black eye. When my teacher asked me what had happened, I told her. We were constantly reminded that we were always to be honest at that school - big up the Church of England Primary School Massive - and I genuinely just assumed that that sort of thing went on in everyone's home.
My headmaster asked to see me and I repeated what I had told my teacher.
When I got home from school, my mother went nuts at me because she'd had a phonecall from the school. They had told her what I'd said and she told them I was a liar. I had fallen in the garden and I had told them a different story because I wanted attention. I got a wallop for 'lying'.
The next day I was called to see the Headmaster again. He told me he'd spoken to my mum and she'd said I fell in the garden. I didn't say a word. He came and knelt in front of me, looked me right in the eyes and held my hands and told me that he believed me. That he would always believe me and that I should never feel afraid to tell him anything. Ever.
Kkk - you are a spiteful piece of s. I just hope that those children find an adult like my old headmaster that they can confide in and be believed. They deserve better. They will never be balanced in their emotions and personalities if they are simply left in your 'care'.
I believe that Bria told the teacher the truth, and that’s what KK meant by ‘lying’ when she called Bria a liar to Paul. I really hope I’m wrong but that was immediately the first thing I thought and it’s stuck in my mind ever since. I’m so sorry that happened to you, but I’m so happy your headmaster believed you. Every child needs someone like that. I have always told my children, ‘I will always believe you, I’d rather believe you and be wrong, then disbelieve you and you be right’

Maggot Robbie

Jun 5, 2023
What sort of man shares privates messages with a group braying woman for them to cherry pick what they decide to share to fit a narrative? You call Dan spineless but Paul is just the same. He probably reminds you of your husband’s hence why you like him so much
Your apostrophe on 'husband's' has made my teeth itch. What is my husband's hence and where do I find it??


Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
@KKhastheclap and @Toomanytalestotale are the same person 🙄🙄
they put the “……“ after most of their replies. Uses the exclamation mark the same as @Toomanytalestotale. Says absolutely a lot. Compare their wording on both accounts from previous posts And you will see.
mugging you all right off AGAIN.

after most replies they both put the triple dots like this …..

have a look for yourselves
Who gives a s? Sorry it upset you so much that you needed to create an account on here to tell us. But noone here gives a s.


New member
Nov 17, 2023
Who gives a s? Sorry it upset you so much that you needed to create an account on here to tell us. But noone here gives a s.
Who the do said it upset me 🫣😂😂😂😂. Listen to yourselves. No one gives a s blahhhhh. Yes she’s a disgusting piece of s and sick in the head and b and b need removing. Im allowed an opinion and if I want to say they are the same
person I can, but yet here you all are jumping on me being fs. As soon as a new account pops up and says something different you all turn into nasty wolves.

asking each other if you are all ok because what you witnessed and the action you took. Grow up. I rang social I reported her and I gave the voice note. I’m not devastated over it. I’m upset as what she did but I took action, you are all drama fing queens.
Nov 16, 2023
Who the do said it upset me 🫣😂😂😂😂. Listen to yourselves. No one gives a s blahhhhh. Yes she’s a disgusting piece of s and sick in the head and b and b need removing. Im allowed an opinion and if I want to say they are the same
person I can, but yet here you all are jumping on me being fs. As soon as a new account pops up and says something different you all turn into nasty wolves.

asking each other if you are all ok because what you witnessed and the action you took. Grow up. I rang social I reported her and I gave the voice note. I’m not devastated over it. I’m upset as what she did but I took action, you are all drama fing queens.
Drama queens who want to protect your own kids from you.
The horrible thing is you still don’t think what you have done and said is wrong. Hope your getting your story right as them kids will be taken to someone who will love and nurture them.


New member
Nov 17, 2023
@Clamwrap23 funny, when the voice notes were outed the other day kkk came on here on another profile, claiming not to be Kkk and calling everyone drama queens. Suspicious.

God aren't we all just such fing drama queen's? How dare we have feelings about child abuse. How dare it make us sick to our stomach!
I’ve already said she’s vile for what she’s done. Yes it makes us all very sad. But come on, it’s Too embarrassing the amount of fake emotion going around. You don’t care about those kids, you just want to do wrong by her. Look at yourself, look at how dramatic you are. Building a case? Do it, but you don’t need to tell the whole fing world. It’s like you want attention and sympathy. No one cares about you hun. It’s about the kids.

I don’t care if you all think I’m kk because I’m having an opinion different to yours. I agree 100% she’s vile. And it upset me But just because people have opinion about the way your acting you all don’t like it and turn into KK and start being fs.

what did she do? Talk in a vile way about briah. Yes that’s disgraceful.
she threw a toy and it hit her. That’s HORRENDOUS. send the voice note to social services and let them do it. Building a case on what? Do you think they care about the other s. There’s no case to build. Stop delaying and send it.
ivr already sent it and spoke to them on the phone. It was fing easy. Your a fing drama queen hun, this thread isn’t about you.

this whole thread is sadder than kks life.
Last edited:
Apr 16, 2023
@Clamwrap23 fake emotion? Wow you're disgusting. I personally cried when I went through those voice notes, not even at the black eye but at how much she slags off and clearly hates her daughter. Don't come on here telling people how they feel. Some of us have experiance with child abuse as kids ourselves so of course it's going to rattle us. The fact you call it fake goes to show you're a scumbag who should be put in the same category as her.

And yeah, I have built a case, I even sent it to my friend who works in SS to proof read it for me to make sure its written well enough that they'll understand and take notice and why? Because I care for the kids. As I said before it went from "haha kkks a s mum" to "do.. this isn't okay".

If I just wanted to laugh at her, I'd share the voice notes of her admitting no one auto renews on OF, she hasn't had subs in days and she's failing and finds it hard to do but I haven't because what matters now is her kids and everyone knowing they're in danger. So get to do mate.

Yes I do think they'll care about multiple men, on the register, with names she doesn't know, handing out her address and filming "content" in a soft play. That's what the case is about you thick fing idiot.

Go suck a fing fart through a straw because this isn't the place for you.

I'll attach a reminder so we can all remember why we are doing this.


  • VID-20231115-WA0076.mp4
    2.2 MB


New member
Nov 17, 2023
@Clamwrap23 fake emotion? Wow you're disgusting. I personally cried when I went through those voice notes, not even at the black eye but at how much she slags off and clearly hates her daughter. Don't come on here telling people how they feel. Some of us have experiance with child abuse as kids ourselves so of course it's going to rattle us. The fact you call it fake goes to show you're a scumbag who should be put in the same category as her.

And yeah, I have built a case, I even sent it to my friend who works in SS to proof read it for me to make sure its written well enough that they'll understand and take notice and why? Because I care for the kids. As I said before it went from "haha kkks a s mum" to "do.. this isn't okay".

If I just wanted to laugh at her, I'd share the voice notes of her admitting no one auto renews on OF, she hasn't had subs in days and she's failing and finds it hard to do but I haven't because what matters now is her kids and everyone knowing they're in danger. So get to do mate.

Yes I do think they'll care about multiple men, on the register, with names she doesn't know, handing out her address and filming "content" in a soft play. That's what the case is about you thick fing idiot.

Go suck a fing fart through a straw because this isn't the place for you.

I'll attach a reminder so we can all remember why we are doing this.
Of course some of you have been abused, of course some of you know social workers, who’s the lawyer? Who’s the police officer?? Shut up. I sent the video in soft play a long time to social. They did nothing. You’re too late with this s. The hitting briah, I’ve alread sent. They’re acting on it. I didn’t need to build a case. I already sent them the videos of the random men etc, it’s all been done. see I didn’t come on here and ask everyone to kiss my ass and praise me, I just fing did it.

Listen to yourself, “Go suck a fing fart through a straw because this isn't the place for you.”

do you know how fing pathetic you sound.
didn’t I say I care? I’ve already sent everything. If I didn’t care I wouldn’t have. Stop making it about you.
Apr 16, 2023
Already sent the videos of the random men that you don't have? That I haven't posted? You're such an idiot. Any videos SHE posted of the random men, available for you to save and send were posted on her tiktok cropped to her narrative.

Luckily for me I have the ones she sent on to Paul, the uncropped versions of her letting them in. So try harder. You're a liar and you're another one joining the muted gang. Bye b.
Apr 16, 2023
I’ve already said she’s vile for what she’s done. Yes it makes us all very sad. But come on, it’s Too embarrassing the amount of fake emotion going around. You don’t care about those kids, you just want to do wrong by her. Look at yourself, look at how dramatic you are. Building a case? Do it, but you don’t need to tell the whole fing world. It’s like you want attention and sympathy. No one cares about you hun. It’s about the kids.

I don’t care if you all think I’m kk because I’m having an opinion different to yours. I agree 100% she’s vile. And it upset me But just because people have opinion about the way your acting you all don’t like it and turn into KK and start being fs.

what did she do? Talk in a vile way about briah. Yes that’s disgraceful.
she threw a toy and it hit her. That’s HORRENDOUS. send the voice note to social services and let them do it. Building a case on what? Do you think they care about the other s. There’s no case to build. Stop delaying and send it.
ivr already sent it and spoke to them on the phone. It was fing easy. Your a fing drama queen hun, this thread isn’t about you.

this whole thread is sadder than kks life.
Oooooh your grammar and punctuation is horrific 😭😭😭


New member
Nov 17, 2023
Already sent the videos of the random men that you don't have? That I haven't posted? You're such an idiot. Any videos SHE posted of the random men, available for you to save and send were posted on her tiktok cropped to her narrative.

Luckily for me I have the ones she sent on to Paul, the uncropped versions of her letting them in. So try harder. You're a liar and you're another one joining the muted gang. Bye b.
Muted because you don’t like the truth. You’re not the only one with evidence. I have videos of men going to her house from the neighbour, because I asked for it. Dickhead.


New member
Nov 17, 2023
Oooooh your grammar and punctuation is horrific 😭😭😭
It’s called fast typing 🫣🫣😂😂

also check your own spelling before you talk about mine 🔽🔽🔽🔽

“he is trying to defend her in the comments. Saving she never lied about being in a DV relationship. He never replied to me when I said that HE is also someone she has accused of DV, not just James.”


New member
Nov 17, 2023
Let's remind ourselves why we are here ladies. Being disgusted by this is nothing to be ashamed of!
Are you thick????? Did I not say I was disgusted??
I said you are fing dramatic trying to make it about you you sad t.

are you pissed because I’ve beat you to it and already sent everything. your s is old news hun, I gained my evidence, sent it and got on with my life.

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
You actually think I’m Kayleigh, seriously?? Because I’m standing up to you. Thought you muted me?
Thought you weren't upset? Something has rattled you though hasn't it. Why you on here caring what we say? I also do not give a s who YOU are, but I think your attitude stinks. Walk away and take some deep breaths, this is no way to start your weekend with such anger. TRIGGERED!
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