Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Apr 30, 2023
Again … people play into the narrative she wants them to and most of you are doing just so .. pretend you’re all going to bring her down but what exactly are we all doing here ? One thing gossiping on a forum but like I said @Bitchtits crossed a line with no “proof” she meant what she said. Again all for click bait and likes


Apr 17, 2023
Again … people play into the narrative she wants them to and most of you are doing just so .. pretend you’re all going to bring her down but what exactly are we all doing here ? One thing gossiping on a forum but like I said @Bitchtits crossed a line with no “proof” she meant what she said. Again all for click bait and likes

Bit like your only fans
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Apr 16, 2023
I agree she looks like she stinks if 10 silk cut , steak and kidney pudding and a shot of tequila but , in all honesty, I prefer those who carry out the s they spout!dork act all ARD then go do absolutely nothing. It’s a bit embarrassing and makes me have 0 respect for the user @Bitchtits
Is the date over already KK? Did he take a look at you in proper lighting and run for the hills?


Apr 30, 2023
This thread is idiotic.unless you fit a narrative you have to be kkk or associate.heaven forbid you have your own narrative and opinions.what is the purpose of this thread if you don’t have a say without being accused? Make it make sense for heaven sake 😵‍💫
May 23, 2023
This thread is idiotic.unless you fit a narrative you have to be kkk or associate.heaven forbid you have your own narrative and opinions.what is the purpose of this thread if you don’t have a say without being accused? Make it make sense for heaven sake 😵‍💫
Well do off away from the thread then. Feel free to flounce before hand 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽
May 18, 2023
This thread is idiotic.unless you fit a narrative you have to be kkk or associate.heaven forbid you have your own narrative and opinions.what is the purpose of this thread if you don’t have a say without being accused? Make it make sense for heaven sake 😵‍💫
Nah not really I’ve seen many differences of opinions in here, where people ain’t getting all lairy or confrontational like you are with your posts, not everyone will agree on everything but there’s away to get your point across or heard and the way you do it makes you seem like a real troll not someone who’s here for a b about kkk you seem to always want a row, you’re acting very high and mighty, like you think you are some superior troll 🤔
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Apr 12, 2023
Is it just me or has this thread just become repetitive. Let’s get back to ripping her a new one. Leave resources , kids , authorities , families , locations out of it. Ignore her many profiles and cut its air off and it will soon “do one” besides it has a hot date tonight and I for one am invested in the creosote beasts outfit and live/pic of which drive thru she going through this time!
yes just send me the screen shots because this back and forth bickering pretending to be who ever is a snore fest. and please , i dont agree with most of what KK does . I dont think she should sell porn on same account she posts family stuff because it opens the door to creepers but I really dont think she is abusing her children , childservices is busy enough with people like lou begs.
May 18, 2023
Also @Lauhugh32 it was so heated in here because the evil fat scum bag was speaking about vile things that no normal human would ever say so people’s emotions were heightened and things were said in anger but with your responses and calling out @Bitchtits its making it look like you condone the things KKK was saying, so again I’ll stick to my opinion that you must be someone completely fed in the head to defend that behaviour!
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