Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Apr 16, 2023
Yes. He qualified to finance it so must have ok credit and some sort of income. Dunno why shes acting like its a bad thing , she paid for Dan-o's Playstation by installments ( likely more of a layaway/ rent a centre situation , but hey she didnt pay in full up front for s either).
Along with her bedside tables and other things from very


May 6, 2023
1. Why on earth is she still going on about this man, obviously upset that he played her but the length she is going to is beyond weird. 2. So she was speaking to him for 9 months? Sooo cheating on Dan then? Because they have not been broken up that long. She really thinks she’s something and it’s so embarrassing the levels she goes to thinking she’s the bees knees and inspector fing gadget.


Apr 12, 2023
She was seeing him for 9 months. This ended what, a month ago? So 9 months from then was August / September, but she was making OF videos with Dan after then?
Can someone do the maths for me, cos this ain’t adding up !!
KK may be a bit of a hoe.
Erm has she just admitted on her public tik tok she’s living with Dan but “in separate rooms” how’s that hun you have a 2 bed shoe box
Im sure she ll post a pic including inflatable air mattress wedged in by the dining table now.
Apr 16, 2023
Why is she showing these? People have leaked her street name now we can see the number because it doesn’t take a genius to work out via google maps what house that will be. She’s off her head and is her own worst enemy
And she bangs on about safe gaurding her kids,she couldn't give a s as long as she is getting attention wether good or bad


Apr 30, 2023
The reason she continues this behaviour is because she has no one ; no one to put her in her place ! Dan Widne dare , he’s a yes man. She has no parents to step on her when she is out of control. Poor wee bairns wouldn’t have a clue about her online behaviour at the minute they too little: who she got tellin her she is out of order and needs help ? I’ll tell u who. No one. That’s sad in itself that she has no one to care she’s heading for something disastrous to happen to either her her house or kids. Dunt tek a genius to know her daily whereabouts and cars and street to follow her to the skwl then stalk her or her bairns as she gives that much away. Predators are cleverer than ever and she’s sed herself cheese and davro r nt tht bright so any eld straggler off insta tiktok badoo bumble of or n e other weird social media app cud turnt up an tek them. She’s more vile thn the women she puts down online. She’s worse and I am in disbelief she still hasn’t had any intervention for the sake of them bairns and her mental well being as it ain’t normal behaviour is it ? That Kev Collins has slept in the bed her innocent babies probably lay their heads at night cuddling upto mum
He’s probably seen pics of them round her house
Seen they bedrooms it makes me skin crawl thinking she don’t know dat man from Adam an dnt evn knw his name an she’s had him in her bairns home , the place they’re meant to be the safest. Hats off and kudos to the troll who messaged Michelle as someone need to get them bairns and get them out of this dangerous woman’s care .
Apr 17, 2023
Has KK ever actually said where Dan is living now? Is he supposedly renting somewhere?
According to tik tok today her and kev were in similar situations where they both live with their exes in separate bedrooms 😂😂😂 do off elephant tits he’s shacked up in your bed too. Also all the s she does for him/with him packed lunches, meals out, car boots, s for his birthday I was quite friendly with my ex but ain’t no way i was going that s day in day out once we split and I wouldn’t spend all my “free time” with him either.
She prob makes dickhead Dan take the kids to a b&b so she can meet one of the many orcs off bumble
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