Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Aug 8, 2023
Dan soon comes back to KK.. and low and behold, KK traps Dan again by falling pregnant with the youngest. Dan desperately wants KK to abort. KK refused and once again threats him of never seeing the eldest, and being homeless. Dan is again, forced to stay despite him at this time confining in work colleagues, and others he wasn’t happy!! Again, Dan had to pay for the private gender scan, pay for the double icandy (iykyk) work all day, come home and look after the eldest where Kayleigh would spend her evenings starting with others on insta. Dan then goes out of another night out before the youngest is born. Dan gets locked out, and made to sleep on the mates sofa whilst KK is abusing him all over stories. It’s at this point, me and KK gets talking slightly more, where KK claims Dan is an abuser. A gambler and also a man with a drink problem! As a women myself, who was heavily pregnant, and also concerned for KK walfare, I offered her MONEY to change her locks, didn’t I KK? Remember when you claimed Dan as an abuser but was happy to get back with him the following day after I sent you £60 to your account for a lock smith???
Apr 16, 2023
Out of all this piping hot tea I'm not surprised to hear Dan left, she cheated on him, she's committing benefit fraud etc because we knew that. I'm not even surprised she spends Ted's DLA on herself but I can't help but be sickened to my absolute core. My friends child receives DLA due to a number of physical disabilities and I imagine it varies case to case? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but she gets a hefty sum for him and all of course goes on him and his care. Ted is lucky if he gets something brand new, be it clothes or toys once every 6 months? Couldn't she use the money to put him into clubs for children with SEN as there are lots out there? Buy him a decent pair of fing shoes. It's really gross how greedy and neglectful she is. I can't imagine getting a payment for my child with additional needs and spending it on myself. That's a whole new level of fed up! I'm not surprised but knowing he gets it and sees none of it. Ew.

Also big up Paul for rejecting KKK even though she practically BEGGED him to like her. You had an easy escape pal!

Also spagbowl you slagbowl I thought I recogyour account ffs I think I even liked something and now I feel like a JUDAS COS I FORGOT YOU CAME FOR YAMS KIDS INNIT, do RIGHT OFF YA SKANKY HOE.
Well said 👏
Apr 12, 2023
Guuuys stop beig dicks and just let her post. If we get get the end and it's all s we already know THEN we can pelt her with rotten veg. Give her a chance.
While we’re waiting for the tea (no judgement on time I’m patient 🤣)

@BedsPopo just checking in with the relevant authorities and wondering how your enquiries are going? Do you have any of my fellow A cups in your police cells?
Aug 8, 2023
After finding out the following day, she’s back with Dan, after I sent her £60 for a locksmith, I asked KK what was going on! KK then claims that she had a ‘labour scare’ and needed Dan (long term followers may be remember this) and that Dan needed to take her to the hospital! I gave her the benefit of the doubt. My nephew was born early after complications so of course the money and the rest wasn’t my concern! I had all sorts running through my head at this point. ‘Had Dan hurt her??’ ‘Has stress caused her to go into labour??’ ‘Was she safe??’ I then sends Kayleigh a load of women’s refuge numbers, charities, and help/support pages. I literally spends ALL NIGHT awake with worry. The following morning KK uploads her stories making dans lunch and taking a bite out of it to show him ‘who’s boss’. I was fuming that my concern was completely ignored, the money I sent her, was wasted and she found the whole thing funny.
We did have what I’d call a little fall out, but KK later apologised and said she was worried about who she’d leave the eldest with when she gave birth. She then explains to me about her family dynamics, said Dans family lived too far away, said she only had her elderly neighbour to help. By this point, myself, Glitz, Aileen and a few others organised a ‘pot’ for her. A pot that was to be spent on baby stuff, and the rest once the baby was born directly to KK… Aileen did the collecting of money, and in the pot raised was over 300… (I’ll attach the screenshots to these, separately).


Apr 16, 2023
While we’re waiting for the tea (no judgement on time I’m patient 🤣)

@BedsPopo just checking in with the relevant authorities and wondering how your enquiries are going? Do you have any of my fellow A cups in your police cells?
Ah yes thank you for your enquiry. We have arrested everyone on this forum. The posts you're seeing today are just AI. Kayleigh has issued a statement to say she will be suing everyone in dew coarse.
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