Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Aug 1, 2023
Sorry hold on a moment .... what would be the difference of me getting a waitressing or bar evening and weekend job? Because I'd be out all weekend then..not just a few hours to do content and them being with their dad and not me ? Can you explain that to me ?

So because I make content at home when the kids are at their dad's and a day at the weekend they have out with their dad for me to earn money ... because it isn't what you approve of how I'm making money ONLINE then I'm a bad mother?

Also why is this any of your business what and where and how often thwy see their dad ? Because im failing to see how this concerns you or anyone for that fact .its really are crossing the line of what's your business and what isn't.

Are you also having thus view on all the other creators who have kids and have babysitters while they make content for of? Or just me ?
your not a content creator, your just a pork loin trying to get some action. you actually make me heave.


Aug 13, 2023

1)WHY DONT YOU KEEP YOUR ONLY FANS WORK SEPARATE FROM YOUR PAGE WITH THE KIDS ON IT? If this was anyone else you would say it was suss.

2)WHY DO YOU KEEP GOING AFTER YAMS KIDS? I mean, it’s water off a ducks back to her at this point.

3) WHY DID YOU FEEL THE NEED TO MESSAGE @Toomanytalestotale HUSBAND? Have you apologised and that’s why she’s not posting screenshots? You must know who she is
I do keep separate thank you , and if I want to post a pic of me in bra or bikini I will do , doesn't mean I'm advertising for only fans . I keep it in my bio because that's my business , I keep all my links in my bio . I don't shout it from the roof tops on that page.

2 . I have never and will never go for jodies kids . Please show me evidence of this to make you THINK its me .

3. message who? Tbh I'm still waiting for screen shots because I sure as s don't have any , and neither do they! Funny that .
May 23, 2023

I’m just going to say it, it’s giving Single White Female tattle vibes
No THIS is single white female. All words being operative. She deserves every nasty comment she gets 💃🏽


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Apr 16, 2023
LOOK AFTER YOUR KIDS THEN!! Protect them, stop inviting random men into your home! You are willingly putting them in danger. I have followed you for many many years. I have seen how Dan has been, I have seen how vile you have been to him. I have seen how you speak to people, how you treat them. I was there in the Casey and the kids stage you used to share pictures of her children, call her all the names under the sun. You forgot a lot of us agree with @Toomanytalestotale as we have also seen the stuff she has said. I for one do not think she’s lying. You done her dirty and this is your karma.
Has a thing with sharing other people's kid's
Apr 20, 2023
Now now Paul. Have you actually told the truth or do I need to chip in here ?

Now the truth Paul is ... I liked you more than you liked me .

I asked if you were still in love with your ex wife as you non stop went on about her daily and it was becoming very boring and repetitive.

I mean we both could go and air our entire convos back from we began talking couldn't we ? We could both air our dirty laundry for all to see and the general public.

What screen shots have you shown Paul? Just the parts you wanted to and fits your narrative I suppose . Did you mention I also tried to call you 2 could of been 3 times ro discuss personally with you why you felt the need to be continously talking about me in a gossip /hate/trolling forum? In which you didn't answer . Strange as you clearly want my attention again .

After I told you I was no longer wasting my time on a man who didn't like me back in that way (one who touched my bum, paid for everything and joined my OF for months) and didn't want friendship I asked you to leave me alone didn't I? Did you show that part of screen shot ?

I didn't speak to you again after me saying leave me alone did I? That's when I found out you were writing here ?? For what reason I'm unsure of as I told you exactly what I said in the live and for the record I keep all my live streams so will happily share :)

Did you post where I then asked you to leave me alone AGAIN? and you ignored it? I then did message your daughter to tell you to also leave me alone ( clearly you both have the same mentality) I wasn't rude, I wasn't nasty I merely asked you on several occasions to leave me alone .

I'm sorry if your hurt and missing our friendship but I made the decision to no longer be involved in that friendship.

Anyway enough of that irrelevant nonsense...

Where do we start ladies .....jeez there's so much that's happened in my life I was completely unaware of and is complete news to me !

Still failing to see an ounce of evidence from any ludicrous claims but as we said its all fun and games isn't it .

And the story teller in here you should look into being a jornalist for the daily star the amount of s you spout , scary thing is you believe it yourself 🤣🤣🤣

Christ alive. Absolute madness.
Hes already posted this fatty ages ago. Keep up. This isn’t a defence it makes you look even worse 🤣. He left you alone and came to defend himself on here after he was being spoken about. You made out he was harrasing you and you wasn’t interested, which wasn’t the case. YOU was chasing him. Stop digging a deeper hole for yourself and go concentrate on getting yourself out the mess you’re in with SS


Aug 10, 2023
Sorry hold on a moment .... what would be the difference of me getting a waitressing or bar evening and weekend job? Because I'd be out all weekend then..not just a few hours to do content and them being with their dad and not me ? Can you explain that to me ?

So because I make content at home when the kids are at their dad's and a day at the weekend they have out with their dad for me to earn money ... because it isn't what you approve of how I'm making money ONLINE then I'm a bad mother?

Also why is this any of your business what and where and how often thwy see their dad ? Because im failing to see how this concerns you or anyone for that fact .its really are crossing the line of what's your business and what isn't.

Are you also having thus view on all the other creators who have kids and have babysitters while they make content for of? Or just me ?
I don’t care what you work as, go get your money. I don’t care how often Dan sees the kids, or if he’s still secretly living with you. Couldn’t give a s.

I just want to know why you advertise your sex work on the same page you show your children? If this was anyone else sound it you’d be the first to call them out and call them a nonce etc.

You’ve read here, seen the comments and the pics of proof but fail to address it time and time again which is why everyone now firmly believes this is intentional


Aug 13, 2023
Kk why do you keep making new accounts?! Just use one of the many you already have! Your accounts on here make up approximately 60% of the users at this point.
I have this account and made no secret who I am thank you . I was also buddah belly .
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