Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Apr 16, 2023
Just listened tp those last voice notes in full and I feel so sad for those kids. i remember when my kid sister was being weaned off the dummy and at no point did my dad or step mum raise their voices to her. There was lots of bribing with treats and white lies that Santa wont give presents to kids with dummies but not once was a fing toy hoyed at her face.

I hope to god the teacher reported her concerns seeing as though Kayleigh admitted to causing the bruise.
May 23, 2023
@Onion Ring Roll yes but not because she's prepping but so they can dress themselves. These ones are vile.. She's more concerned she's being confronted as a bad mother than being an actual bad mother. Who sends their daughter to school with no nickers on? Who expects their at the time 3 year old to dress themselves to the point of wearing no nickers more than once?
Too busy getting her kids ready to…get her kids ready 👀
Apr 16, 2023
@Yammyssubstanceaddiction make it make sense!!!! Too busy "prepping" every inch of her life so she can sit on her fat arse while her kids are at school bullying other children! No doubt because it's learned behaviour and acting out due to the unstable environment they have at home. I'm beginning to think the behaviour is half bad parenting and half a cry for help!


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Apr 17, 2023
Oh my fing god. That is disgusting. I was the first one to call my son a dickhead to my mates when he was around that age but she’s actually a disgrace. She speaks like she actually HATES her kids.

Who the do sends their 4 year old to school with no knickers on?! How can you not notice? She’s acting like her kids are so independent they can dress themselves, no Kayleigh you fat silly t you like to think they are independent just so you can be a lazy mother.

Genuinely can’t believe them voice notes. You should be ashamed of yourself.


May 29, 2023
@Yammyssubstanceaddiction make it make sense!!!! Too busy "prepping" every inch of her life so she can sit on her fat arse while her kids are at school bullying other children! No doubt because it's learned behaviour and acting out due to the unsaleable environment they have at home. I'm beginning to think the behaviour is half bad parenting and half a cry for help!
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  • Haha
Reactions: KKK.Hates.Dengie..


Aug 13, 2023
You mean you are not at home dedicating your whole life to KK and this thread? I thought we were all jealous lonely A cups with no life because we spend 24/7 watching KK and posting on here 😱
Decided to take the kidz to soft place as the fz at the school decided to have an inset day. I will story about it and moan what a horrific place it is, how expensive it is, and what a nightmare day it was.

Joking. I’m not like KK 😘
Apr 16, 2023
She has a "horrible feeling" her kids are on the safeguarding list like.. OF COURSE THEY ARE KKK YOU DUMB HOE😂 there's clearly a lot more SS involvement than she let's on which is actually super sad because even with SS involvement she's a nasty vindictive t who does nothing feed their kids and thinks that's parenting. She truly thinks just keeping them alive is enough. It's not.
Aw you will defo be on it KK along with your foul language bully boy
Apr 16, 2023
@Onion Ring Roll yes but not because she's prepping but so they can dress themselves. These ones are vile.. She's more concerned she's being confronted as a bad mother than being an actual bad mother. Who sends their daughter to school with no nickers on? Who expects their at the time 3 year old to dress themselves to the point of wearing no nickers more than once?
Wow KK you really are a t, few things to them voice note's 1, why the fk you talking like that. 2, would you of fk said that to any1 you muppet # takeaway shop, your a fkn pussy and 3, which i honestly find disgusting not once but twice your child goes to school no underwear as at 3 you expect her to get ready BECAUSE YOUR TO BUSY what, talking into your phone to strangers, how embarressing for the bairn ,and you can bet you will be talk of the school
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