Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Apr 18, 2023
I have no words.. Admitting to throwing a toy at her daughter in anger and giving her a black eye.
I’m catching up after work, so sorry if there’s odd replies from me 🙃

This made me feel so sad, like desperately sad, for her children. What the actual do is she doing?! Firstly, why is she over sharing to THIS extent… secondly, who treats their children this way 😥 fing horror of a woman.
Apr 16, 2023
@Lauhugh32 I'm building a case tomorrow and taking one for the team. Now there's evidence, proof shes effectively put them at risk by discussing them and their school name with a man she doesnt really know and her admitting to physical violence and "losing it" as well as being pulled up by the school she doesn't care she just blames them and everyone else, I'm hoping they will take this seriously. There's a lot of voice notes to go through and they will be getting all of them, all in their entirety and not clipped at all so they can get a clear picture of the kids home life.
Apr 20, 2023
What sort of man shares privates messages with a group braying woman for them to cherry pick what they decide to share to fit a narrative? You call Dan spineless but Paul is just the same. He probably reminds you of your husband’s hence why you like him so much
What type of ‘mother’ attacks their child and speaks about them like that. You’re a fing monster kayleigh and I can’t wait until the day them kids are free of you. Wait until social services hears all these. Now do off this thread you scum bag
Apr 20, 2023
New voice note. School concerned about bruises on Bobby and apparently because its on his elbow that means she didn't do it? I find that incredibly hard to believe after what we now know about her giving Bria a black eye. She seems to get very defensive doesn't she? Something I can't see her doing unless she's panicking..
Ahhh so it’s not the trolls that are reporting her to social services. It’s trained professionals 👀. I think that says it all
Apr 20, 2023
Without sounding like I’m leading a witch hunt or adding to it I think we all need to do something here on behalf of them two children who are clearly in danger they may have food warm house etc but emotionally and physically so it seems she is abusing them
I’ve never reported anyone before but I am 100% going to after this. I’m horrified I just can’t believe it. The fact she comes on here replying to irrelevant s too. How is she not mortified she’s been exposed for hurting her child. Saying she screamed at her FOR do SAKE and launched a toy at her face. Can just imagine it can’t you? Why’s she screaming at her child for wanting something that gives her comfort? She sure as do doesn’t get it from that beast. Bet Bria was terrified 😢


Aug 13, 2023
I’ve never reported anyone before but I am 100% going to after this. I’m horrified I just can’t believe it. The fact she comes on here replying to irrelevant s too. How is she not mortified she’s been exposed for hurting her child. Saying she screamed at her FOR do SAKE and launched a toy at her face. Can just imagine it can’t you? Why’s she screaming at her child for wanting something that gives her comfort? She sure as do doesn’t get it from that beast. Bet Bria was terrified 😢
I’m wondering if we all reports it if it’ll took more serious or be seen as malicious? I know the lovely lady with the voice notes is reporting tomorrow, but I’m unsure, what, if anything the rest can do? It hurts my heart so bad.
Apr 16, 2023
@Save Gormless Dan honestly, I have an obscene amount of voice notes that I'm going to put in chronological order along with her behaviour, meeting men, the ring door bell footage of her asking a man in whose come to have a go at her while you can hear the kids in the back ground, ALL OF IT. She won't be let off this easy. We have months of proof, some wishy washy hence never reporting before but having it all together along with her admitting to blacking Brias eye, well. It's clear as day now there's nothing wishy washy about it. It builds a clear picture of her as a person, a parent and how those kids (barely) live. I have no idea what possessed her to physically attack her down child but I'll be damned if I stand by and let it happen again.
Apr 20, 2023
I’m wondering if we all reports it if it’ll took more serious or be seen as malicious? I know the lovely lady with the voice notes is reporting tomorrow, but I’m unsure, what, if anything the rest can do? It hurts my heart so bad.
Yea I get what you’re saying I’m not sure what is best to do then?
Apr 20, 2023
@Save Gormless Dan honestly, I have an obscene amount of voice notes that I'm going to put in chronological order along with her behaviour, meeting men, the ring door bell footage of her asking a man in whose come to have a go at her while you can hear the kids in the back ground, ALL OF IT. She won't be let off this easy. We have months of proof, some wishy washy hence never reporting before but having it all together along with her admitting to blacking Brias eye, well. It's clear as day now there's nothing wishy washy about it. It builds a clear picture of her as a person, a parent and how those kids (barely) live. I have no idea what possessed her to physically attack her down child but I'll be damned if I stand by and let it happen again.
Good on you girl 🩷. What a shame you care more about them kids than their own mother
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May 23, 2023
I’ve never reported anyone before but I am 100% going to after this. I’m horrified I just can’t believe it. The fact she comes on here replying to irrelevant s too. How is she not mortified she’s been exposed for hurting her child. Saying she screamed at her FOR do SAKE and launched a toy at her face. Can just imagine it can’t you? Why’s she screaming at her child for wanting something that gives her comfort? She sure as do doesn’t get it from that beast. Bet Bria was terrified 😢
And the way speaks about her. She’s a toddler ffs. Of course they lie to get out of trouble, I would if I had that beast standing over me ready to launch the nearest projectile at me. Also, I don’t know how hard you throw a beanie baby ‘to’ a child to give them any kind of bruise?
The manic way she’s explaining herself to try and get some kind of affirmation that she’s in the right is scary. Every time I listen back I get more and more upset/angry for them both ffs! Kkk you’re really disgusting! 😤😤😤
Apr 16, 2023
@DoIKnowYouHun I do worry multiple reports will completely do the case up. We CANNOT be seen as trolls. I (we) have nothing but good intentions towards those kids and concern for them and their mental and physical wellbeing. I will keep everyone updated and hope for the best. I'm going to leave my contact number on the email so they can reach me by phone if need be. I have no issues saying where I come from and how this has come about.
May 23, 2023
Yea I get what you’re saying I’m not sure what is best to do then?
Maybe just say you’ve seen things shared online, have followed for xyz years but didn’t want it coming across as malicious reporting but now have seen proof, and wanted to voice your shared concerned or something like that?
May 23, 2023
@Yammyssubstanceaddiction exactly. From what I know beanie babies are small, soft toys and even with teeeeny tiny plastic eyes, they aren't big enough to warrant that kind of damage. I have my suspicions she threw something else at her but has lied to make it seem better BUT kkk. Throwing ANYTHING at a child in anger is NOT okay.
And don’t give them ‘bollockings’ until they’re at least 16 and doing things that deserve one! fing 4 years old!
Apr 24, 2023
I'm totally shook up at what I have read on here today. I don't usually come on this thread and don't really know much of this absolute monster but wow. Those children 😢 😢 it really makes you wonder what goes on behind closed doors. I mean she openly spoke to an online stranger who could easily have tracked her kids down. I honestly don't know what to say and how she has got away with the abuse she has put those kids through.
Apr 12, 2023
I’ve muted the accounts obsessed with Yam so can’t see what they’re saying but it shows as ignored comment so obviously they’re still here 🧐
If this was tattle I’d be policing the thread I guess 🤣 but I really think these accounts that keep popping up need to be ignored, wether it’s the fat s herself or someone who clearly has no brain cells because the fact they’re still here chatting s after listening to these voice notes tells you everything you need to know, they’re clearly a real troll whoever they are and let’s not feed the trolls.


May 3, 2023
I don’t understand any of it, but I really don’t understand why she’d admit to all of it, I mean there’s no shame in her voice or guilt. No contrition. It’s all a they’ve got it in for me sort of attitude. Telling all this to a man she fancied?! What part of her thinks yeah a decent fella will hear all of that and think I’m worth it?! That’s what scrambles my brain, does she really think she’s done nothing wrong and this is normal parenting life? None of what comes out of her mouth is something I relate to as a Mother.
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