Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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May 23, 2023
I've had a hangover today after one too many mulled wines at a light switch on yesterday...... The pics posted today really have not helped 🥴🥴🥴
I can never concentrate on your actual comments because I just shout ‘buster stop chasing the birds!!’ in the back of my head while reading them 🤣🤣


Apr 17, 2023
I haven’t been in this thread for so long, but I’m cackling at the pictures. Anaemic Nips and The Grand Canyon Gash (band name, anyone?) out in full force.

Imagine being so utterly devoid of talent that the one and only way you can make money is by plastering nudes of your lard riddled side-of-pork tribute act on the net, and you’re even failing at that! It’s honestly got me howling. fing hell, how tragic.

What a massive t. And I mean that both literally and figuratively.

Between that and lacking any of the necessary skills or maternal instinct to be an even vaguely decent mother or human being and she really has nothing, and I mean NOTHING going for her.

God Kayleigh. It fing SUCKS to be you, love. It really, really does.
Apr 17, 2023
And just like That she is back
Couple of things. Wtf is a “prefectionist” honestly the level of dumb always astounds me.

And now we’re all grown ass men on this forum that subbed to her only fatties and then couldn’t afford a second month? No longer lonely A cup women whose husbands are fing their partners sisters.
Wow that 180 spin is the most exercise (apart from running her mouth or throwing toys at her kids) she’s done in a long time.
Why would anyone pay less than the cost of a meal deal when you give you “content” away for free KK when trying to beat us trolls or you know they can use google 🥱🥱 and did you not get enough sympathy from your “women troll me” trope that you think “middle aged men” will give you the attention you crave I’m sure The Scottish Scum will be on the blower to get a non-story out of it

Oh and her xmas decs, like her house look se whilst I know you can’t buy class or taste she can’t even yellow sticker it.
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