Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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May 18, 2023
Hiya, what’s a pycho?
All the things said about you on here in these posts and rightly so because you are a disgrace but anyway that’s what you pick out that someone missed an S from a word why do you think that’s a flex that you can google a word not everyone sits there googling before posting like yourself and your personalities!
I think that pretty much proves everyone’s point doesn’t it?
You really are a disgusting piece of s, you ignore every question about the abuse to your children, every question about your racism, every question about the child snatcher sharing your address, every question about why you steal Jodie’s pictures of her children? Why did you send your kid to school without underwear? That’s absolutely disgusting and neglect!
Kayleigh you are a psychopath they never take responsibility psychopaths for their own behaviour.

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Then there was Tanya, she didn't want to back down once she was caught out slagging her only friend off so took to social media and continued to go further saying she stood by everything she said and slagging off Tanya's terrible botox work and wouldn't want a friend like her with how she had 'turnt out'. Then all of a sudden friends again, seemed to have completely forgotten that she didn't like her. Again just to have someone in her life.

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Oh and then there's Dimwit Dan, the way she has spoken about her kids dad in her stories and on lives is horrendous. She has mocked, shamed and embarrassed him. Then when he dare to question her she kicks him out. But she keeps him close so he can't live his life without her knowing every details. She says it's so they can co parents but they're just sending a really confused message to the kids. It's really so she can keep the control whilst punishing him for daring to question her. Even though once again, she was in the wrong cheating on him.

Let's not even get started on her family because that's an even longer desperate story.

Point is she is poison, vile, rejects before she is rejected then allows anyone back in her life because then she thinks she has the upper hand.


May 29, 2023
All the things said about you on here in these posts and rightly so because you are a disgrace but anyway that’s what you pick out that someone missed an S from a word why do you think that’s a flex that you can google a word not everyone sits there googling before posting like yourself and your personalities!
I think that pretty much proves everyone’s point doesn’t it?
You really are a disgusting piece of s, you ignore every question about the abuse to your children, every question about your racism, every question about the child snatcher sharing your address, every question about why you steal Jodie’s pictures of her children? Why did you send your kid to school without underwear? That’s absolutely disgusting and neglect!
Kayleigh you are a psychopath they never take responsibility psychopaths for their own behaviour.
It’s called autocorrect on your phone, you don’t need google.
I was genuinely interested in what a pycho was, I thought it might be some magic or something who knows.
I haven’t answered any questions, because they’re not for me to answer, as I have said before I am not Kayleigh, I don’t believe in answering things that are absolutely none of my business.
But anyway, you wanna get a life, because what you said was really boring like. And you should consider some anger management, you seem a bit stressed. Maybe you should have a break, have a KitKat?
  • Haha
Reactions: Cinder Fuckin Rella
Apr 16, 2023
All the things said about you on here in these posts and rightly so because you are a disgrace but anyway that’s what you pick out that someone missed an S from a word why do you think that’s a flex that you can google a word not everyone sits there googling before posting like yourself and your personalities!
I think that pretty much proves everyone’s point doesn’t it?
You really are a disgusting piece of s, you ignore every question about the abuse to your children, every question about your racism, every question about the child snatcher sharing your address, every question about why you steal Jodie’s pictures of her children? Why did you send your kid to school without underwear? That’s absolutely disgusting and neglect!
Kayleigh you are a psychopath they never take responsibility psychopaths for their own behaviour.
Oh dear did someone spell something wrong and i take it one of the muppets has pulled them up on it (i have the freaks on mute) i'll say it again for the muppets who gives a fk what KK/ five head thinks two people who should not be in charge of ANY kids, not even animals ,as one doesn't get walked and by the size of foreheads dog that doesn't get walked either, that might be to her being pissed all the time with her vile bloke
Apr 16, 2023
Then there was Tanya, she didn't want to back down once she was caught out slagging her only friend off so took to social media and continued to go further saying she stood by everything she said and slagging off Tanya's terrible botox work and wouldn't want a friend like her with how she had 'turnt out'. Then all of a sudden friends again, seemed to have completely forgotten that she didn't like her. Again just to have someone in her life.
Only went back to Tanya coke head for cheap botched up fillers
May 18, 2023
You're clearly more stupid than you think because anyone can see it was meant to be Psycho!
You got that I’m stressed from reading a paragraph 🤣 Is this the same as you telling someone the other day not to put a laughing Emoji because they’re clearly not laughing? Bless you and your delusions!
I’ll be sure to change my life based on one of your personalities opinions on me posting on here though 😍
Apr 16, 2023
You're clearly more stupid than you think because anyone can see it was meant to be Psycho!
You got that I’m stressed from reading a paragraph 🤣 Is this the same as you telling someone the other day not to put a laughing Emoji because they’re clearly not laughing? Bless you and your delusions!
I’ll be sure to change my life based on one of your personalities opinions on me posting on here though 😍
Apr 16, 2023
Does Tanya not have a business page? I’m not sure I’d be giving a coke head my money, should probably let those coke head voice notes get out there in and around Dunstable!
I wouldn't even step inside Tanya's, seeing the state of what she's done to KK, think Tanya needs more training, i think she does, sure KK mentioned her when 1st got lips botched


May 29, 2023


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Nov 21, 2023
She likes to spin the narrative that she is being harassed, stalked, she even stated several times that I groomed her FFS. I did think that she used strike first with her posts. But I think she lives such a Walter Mitty lifestyle, in her head the lies she spews blend into her own reality, if that makes sense?

100% makes sense. She believes her own lies. The fact that these 3 nut job accounts all come on and bad mouth you only tells me that it’s her because of the rejection. You stood up to her and she hates it. she knows there is nothing she can do about it. She’s not in control and that kills her. Her previous threats mean nothing. Always hot air.

On that note KK, how’s you’re police case going 🥴😂😂😂😂 did that come to an immediate stand still. Did they tell you to shut the do up and stop wasting their time 😂🤭
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