Lissa - Lissa's legends


Feb 4, 2024
no the reality is their family has never had it easy. I didn't come in here with the intent to argue only the intent to explain how what you are all doing is wrong. you’re entitled to opinions but not to talk make hate pages. I've only argued because what i see is a group of people who don't have the full story and are throwing shade at a family i love and that family is trying their hardest. i can see from your views how it looks but like i said you don't see everything. none of you have seen everything like i have. this family took me in and let me stay when i had rough points and i will defend the
in fact their father is not much of a father to them. he picks one or the other. he does bare minimum. he lies to them and wont pick up the kids from school when their trains cancelled. i know that because i went to go and get them. they were waiting in the freezing cold rain
When it comes to the kids dad i will say it’s not right to put the blame fully on Lissa when it’s clear the sperm donor has a lot to answer for but that’s a whole other conversation


Feb 12, 2024
Wouldn’t u as a mother encourage your children to be the best version of theirselves they could be by boosting their self esteem rather then sitting and wallowing in their own negativity all day , not exactly a good example for them to aspire too
I have bad mobility and struggle every day but I dose myself up on pain relief to live a normal life,my house is spotless,my animals are well looked after and I take my children out for their tea,on days out and go and watch them in their shows etc I will take any pain medication in the world to make sure my children have good memories of their childhood and experience different places etc but lissa hardly ever takes her meds for pain but sits and complains she doesn't want to rely on medication! If it means my children have a happy life I'd take anything to help my pain
Aug 24, 2023
When I came across lissas live I thought it was a place for people who are disabled/poorly/lonely etc to chat and be friendly. But all it is really is a place for lissa to think shes king ding, put on the woe is me and take money from people who are genuinely ill/lonely. She talks to people disgusting and blocks people who ask questions. Shes said so many times that shes going to make tiktok work, had a go at reggie saying see iv just got a big gift and you didnt believe it would work out?!

Shes nothing more than a grifting lying beggy bully who lives in squalor. Vile


Feb 9, 2024
The dad might be an arsehole but we only hear one side and that’s Lissa’s, and from what I’ve seen on lives she calls him with her last minute demands, but if he is working and can’t meet the demands instantly she goes mental. The other day he took her to the hospital but when she called him to collect her he couldn’t until later in the afternoon so he was a c*nt again. The problem is she is mouthy and she probably gets away with talking to people like it most of the time but there are some people in this world who won’t stand for it…as in the man who knocked out her teeth!
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Lady lala

Feb 10, 2024
When I came across lissas live I thought it was a place for people who are disabled/poorly/lonely etc to chat and be friendly. But all it is really is a place for lissa to think shes king ding, put on the woe is me and take money from people who are genuinely ill/lonely. She talks to people disgusting and blocks people who ask questions. Shes said so many times that shes going to make tiktok work, had a go at reggie saying see iv just got a big gift and you didnt believe it would work out?!

Shes nothing more than a grifting lying beggy bully who lives in squalor. Vile
Yep sitting there with her young son telling him if she gets a big gift she will shove half an Easter egg in her mouth !
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Feb 4, 2024
The dad might be an arsehole but we only hear one side and that’s Lissa’s, and from what I’ve seen on lives she calls him with her last minute demands, but if he is working and can’t meet the demands instantly she goes mental. The other day he took her to the hospital but when she called him to collect her he couldn’t until later in the afternoon so he was a c*nt again. The problem is she is mouthy and she probably gets away with talking to people like it most of the time but there are some people in this world who won’t stand for it…as in the man who knocked out her teeth!
that’s what confuses me. if you’d had your teeth knocked out surely you wouldn’t want to speak to anyone like that?


Feb 11, 2024
When I came across lissas live I thought it was a place for people who are disabled/poorly/lonely etc to chat and be friendly. But all it is really is a place for lissa to think shes king ding, put on the woe is me and take money from people who are genuinely ill/lonely. She talks to people disgusting and blocks people who ask questions. Shes said so many times that shes going to make tiktok work, had a go at reggie saying see iv just got a big gift and you didnt believe it would work out?!

Shes nothing more than a grifting lying beggy bully who lives in squalor. Vile
Well said !!!
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Feb 9, 2024
When I came across lissas live I thought it was a place for people who are disabled/poorly/lonely etc to chat and be friendly. But all it is really is a place for lissa to think shes king ding, put on the woe is me and take money from people who are genuinely ill/lonely. She talks to people disgusting and blocks people who ask questions. Shes said so many times that shes going to make tiktok work, had a go at reggie saying see iv just got a big gift and you didnt believe it would work out?!

Shes nothing more than a grifting lying beggy bully who lives in squalor. Vile
Yep heard her on lives saying to Gracie I’ve got to make some money today and then laugh. Two minutes later she’s doing the whole lip quivering, heavy breathing crying act so that people feel sorry for her and throw money at her. Charlatan.


Feb 12, 2024
The dad might be an arsehole but we only hear one side and that’s Lissa’s, and from what I’ve seen on lives she calls him with her last minute demands, but if he is working and can’t meet the demands instantly she goes mental. The other day he took her to the hospital but when she called him to collect her he couldn’t until later in the afternoon so he was a c*nt again. The problem is she is mouthy and she probably gets away with talking to people like it most of the time but there are some people in this world who won’t stand for it…as in the man who knocked out her teeth!
Exactly and she's said many a times he's a narcissistic c**t and controlling and made her life a misery in their relationship but phones him all the time for lifts etc demanding he drops everything and if he doesn't she kicks off 🤔


Feb 9, 2024
What's the story with the teeth?
She claims that she was on a night out shortly after Gracie was born and she rejected the advances of a man in a pub…she left the pub with her friends and he followed her out and beat her up knocking out her teeth…however, the story changed recently and she said she lost her teeth due to being addicted to mint polos! So who knows, she seems a complusive liar. My guess is that she had very poor dental hygiene, even now she always has plaque on the few bottom teeth she has left.

Lady lala

Feb 10, 2024
She claims that she was on a night out shortly after Gracie was born and she rejected the advances of a man in a pub…she left the pub with her friends and he followed her out and beat her up knocking out her teeth…however, the story changed recently and she said she lost her teeth due to being addicted to mint polos! So who knows, she seems a complusive liar. My guess is that she had very poor dental hygiene, even now she always has plaque on the few bottom teeth she has left.
Well she doesn’t seem to clean a lot does she ? So why would the teeth be any different 🤮
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Lady lala

Feb 10, 2024
People that are disabled poorly and or lonely are the prefect people to make feel sorry for u so they send u money tho it’s disgusting if she genuinely was there to help people she wouldn’t have gifts active and wouldn’t have gift goals.
Who’s she kidding , the only reason people sit on live all day is to make money 🤑 it’s a shame though as u say it’s only the vulnerable that are fooled