How can Lou still be sitting thinking she isn't the problem. The lovelies met on her account and all made friends. There has been falling out with Lou and the lovelies but the lovelies are still friends. Lou has no friends. Lou has no family who bother with her except her parents who see her on a rare occasion. Lou gets blocked from Miss Reds' lives. Lou has argued with numerous creators recently and in the past. Lou goes in boxes a lot more recently, and it never ends well....are you noticing a pattern, a common denominatior. Yes, that's right, it's Lou.
If she can't see that she is the problem and is still sat trying to say she's innocent looking for sympathy then she's more stupid than I thought and she's just making things worse for herself.
Maybe she's been blocked for blaming Miss J for her behaviour last night as Miss Red and J are friends.
How can everyone be in the wrong but Lou in the right in her eyes