Lou @Lifewithloux

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Apr 17, 2023
The state of that filthy, chocolate covered dressing gown

Looking at that makes me heave!!!
she’s got a washing machine so use it
May 12, 2023
Her groundbreaking thought for the morning is (paraphrased)
“I think when i have money, instead of spending it on stuff i don’t need (drugs, red bull and chocolate) I should sit down and work out, okay I need to buy five days worth of food to last me until I get more money”
Yes trolls and trollettes it’s only taken this mother of 3, 30 fing years to realise this apparently.
Apr 22, 2023
Her groundbreaking thought for the morning is (paraphrased)
“I think when i have money, instead of spending it on stuff i don’t need (drugs, red bull and chocolate) I should sit down and work out, okay I need to buy five days worth of food to last me until I get more money”
Yes trolls and trollettes it’s only taken this mother of 3, 30 fing years to realise this apparently.

In other words, her enablers are seeing the light and coming in insta to beg for food isn’t working anymore.
May 5, 2023
In other words, her enablers are seeing the light and coming in insta to beg for food isn’t working anymore.

They need to open their eyes. How ANYONE can watch that s-show & think she's not using are imbeciles.Carol, for example, always there on every live and talking to her like she's a queen, saying stupid things like "you got this". Errrm, no she fing HASN'T. She's high as do at some point every day and she is NEVER going to see her children again. These people need to realise they are being manipulated and used. These idiots would walk past drug addicted beggars on the street (panhandlers in The USA), knowing that if they give them money/buy them things they are ENABLING them. There's no difference.

I'm hoping that people ARE waking up to her bullshit. I mean, a good few people here have said, why hasn't she used her Temu credit for a vacuum cleaner and mop & bucket? She lies about EVERYTHING.

& no wonder she uses filters online, she looks rough as do without them. I've got flip-flops that my dog chewed that are better looking than her.

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Shes still not showing us what she spent 800quid on on TEMU. That's because she knows it's a load of tat. She is changing her clothes 3 times a day into varying option of polyester 2 pieces. Yet still begging for a vacuum on her wishlist. That 800quid could have kitted her out with all the essentials she needed to create a home. She's fing clueless, she has no idea how to survive or live life. Every now and then she clearly reads a comment and agrees that's what she needs to do to do better but then 5 mins later she's back to buying choc, redbull and hairbands.
Apr 21, 2023
Shes still not showing us what she spent 800quid on on TEMU. That's because she knows it's a load of tat. She is changing her clothes 3 times a day into varying option of polyester 2 pieces. Yet still begging for a vacuum on her wishlist. That 800quid could have kitted her out with all the essentials she needed to create a home. She's fing clueless, she has no idea how to survive or live life. Every now and then she clearly reads a comment and agrees that's what she needs to do to do better but then 5 mins later she's back to buying choc, redbull and hairbands.
She's a waste of skin. How her parents square it with themselves knowing that their kid lives like that I'll never understand.
Apr 12, 2023
A good show? Really?
Regardless of what she is or is not. He's lay there smacked out his head she isn't. She's clearly struggling.
Have some fing compassion.

Shes a scumbag yes, but to find this entertaining you're all vile little fs.
Oh FFS are you still here? There's the door 🚪 you know what to do 🥱😴
Apr 12, 2023
So much to unpack from the crackhead diaries today.

Lou is not happy as she cleaned HER room and Steviiiin never praised her for it.

She’s been on the rob in Asda and got a stitch mug, because, y’know, priorities.

Stes kitchen floor looks like something from a fing Anderson shelter.

Ste has passed out a la corpse after a clear dose of the good old golden brown, all rigamortice like a fing rat.

That box next to Lou looks suspiciously like lyrica aka pregabzzzzzzzz.

She went back home and now has no money for food. Lying little t.

Thinks she’s independent cos she didn’t stay in his - you go sister, Beyoncé would be proud - you could be her muse?!?!

Still has s around her mouth.

Still has a s stained finger.

Still has hair like Jimmy Saville.

Still looks like the scream mask.

Oh what a lovely Saturday - stuff of dreams - recovewy 101 by Lou and Blayzaaaaaaa. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
Absolutely love this, could you do a run down on what's happened every day|night because this is golden 🏆
May 17, 2023
I can't get over the houses these two wasters are using up. Not saying she should be on the street but there's no need for her to be in that size of house.

A bit of TLC and that house could be a dream house worth hundreds of thousands that a family could be in.

Makes me so so angry.
I don’t know about hundreds of thousands it’s in an area rougher than my grandads heel skin🤢😂 certainly could be put to better use though. There are families crying out for bigger places In Middlesbrough and just places in general! They must’ve been really desperate to give her that house. Homeless accommodation normally consists of a room in a hostel with a shared bathroom and kitchen with up to 30 other people.
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