Lou @Lifewithloux

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May 3, 2023
Yep I'm with you.

There's a decent person in there. He's a product of cistcumstance (and coincidence lol).

If he had been brought up in a decent area surrounded by good people, I'm sure he wouldn't have led the life he has.

Her on the other hand. She is just rotten. Handed everything yet still wants more.

Cannot stomach her. Look at the difference of her from yesterday to today (coincidentally when her housing person is coming round or whoever it is) and tell me she wasn't off her tits on drugs yesterday when she was tired all day.

Let's see how "tired" she is later on once the meeting is done.
I agree again
Like he actually seems like yeah I've fed up and I keep fing up. Like yesterday anything he was asked he sat and took and he couldn't even keep up Like 5 mins of comments was him reading for over an hour. Not once did he s all over her.
Then she comes on cause he's went to sleep for less time than her and she was like he's left me. Ummmm you were asleep twice yesterday also I actually think he looks after her when she is high af and makes sure she is safe.
He's defs a wrong un and the blade is for his "safety" but I think he stays there to look after her. It's always his money.

Stes glamdad

Aug 17, 2023
I agree again
Like he actually seems like yeah I've fed up and I keep fing up. Like yesterday anything he was asked he sat and took and he couldn't even keep up Like 5 mins of comments was him reading for over an hour. Not once did he s all over her.
Then she comes on cause he's went to sleep for less time than her and she was like he's left me. Ummmm you were asleep twice yesterday also I actually think he looks after her when she is high af and makes sure she is safe.
He's defs a wrong un and the blade is for his "safety" but I think he stays there to look after her. It's always his money.
She can't even do sleeping properly without him having to help her get into position 🤣🤣

Stes glamdad

Aug 17, 2023
I agree again
Like he actually seems like yeah I've fed up and I keep fing up. Like yesterday anything he was asked he sat and took and he couldn't even keep up Like 5 mins of comments was him reading for over an hour. Not once did he s all over her.
Then she comes on cause he's went to sleep for less time than her and she was like he's left me. Ummmm you were asleep twice yesterday also I actually think he looks after her when she is high af and makes sure she is safe.
He's defs a wrong un and the blade is for his "safety" but I think he stays there to look after her. It's always his money.
She can't even do sleeping properly without him having to help her get into position 🤣🤣
Apr 29, 2023
I can't help it, but Ste is growing on me just a bit. Not in a starting to find him attractive way, but the way he was admitting to blowing his biggest bookie win on drugs and alcohol and saying things he regrets etc and then Lou cut him down with a 'you never learn' - which he admitted was true - like she's never fed up before.

And it was a bit sad when he said he might like to do some furniture making stuff, he seemed genuinely happy , like maybe if he didn't do up his life , that's what he'd be doing.

And fing Lou comes in with the 'aww, we don't need that (furniture making), we have the Xbox mum bought us, what more could you want?'

Aspirations, Lou. Something to work towards, even if it is just a thought. The idea of doing something productive and meaningful.

He's definitely a wrongun for sure, but she's dragging him down. I reckon a stint in the big house might do him good. Gets him away from her, and he might be able to get into some sort of program that helps him
Absolutely agree with this. A break from her now could be the making of him. He could get recovery support in prison and also support to learn a skill.

Stes glamdad

Aug 17, 2023
I find it really sad that it was prescription drugs that kicked off her addiction and led to worse things. Claims she is clean now as doesn't touch the hard stuff anymore yet still takes the things that she was addicted to in the first place. Kinda like being addicted to dairy milk, moving on to galaxy then back to dairy milk!! Still fing drugs and choc choc you clown
May 12, 2023

Lol she’s been banned then lol wonder how long for? I was looking forward to the cooking live 😡
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