Lou @Lifewithloux

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Aug 29, 2023
Her stories from today are screaming she’s popped a pill or two. Eyes constantly rolling away from one another. 🙄
She can barely string a sentence together, she's so off her head it's so obvious - she keeps forgetting what she's talking about, slurring her speech, eyes rolling...that's definitely not cos 'she's smoked today' - well not just weed anyway
Jun 21, 2023
It's also October so no idea why shes keeping going on about a christmas tree just now. Like you say you can buy them new really cheap in some shops so she could put a bit of money aside between now and December and buy one...only we know she wont, she will just keep begging and dropping hints in the hope someone will get her one. She's been going on about it for a while so ud think she'd have got the hint by now that nobody is going to fund it for her.
She can go without this Christmas and get a really cheap one on sale just after and she'll be ready for next year. Let's be realistic, she's probably going to be kicked out of that bongalow by Christmas anyway
Apr 12, 2023
Since Lou found my daily timetable has changed her life (although yes Lou I was ripping the piss) I thought I'd give her some advice once and for all.

Lou... . does your life make you happy? Are you enjoying it? I can guarantee you've just thought No! We all understand you're struggling but changing your life is completely within your control. The changes you need to make will take time to pay off and your still gonna find it difficult for quite a while but eventually hard work will pay off

1. Get rid of Ste, you're always happier and function much better when you're apart. A relationship should build you up not drag you down
2. Write a budget! Write down every regular payment that you pay every month. A month's worth of electric, gas, TV, water, phone and anything else you pay like that. Whatever is left from your monthly benefits is what you will have left to spend on everything else, food, drinks, clothes, toiletries, cleaning supplies and luxuries. Out of that money save as much of that money as you can, most of us buy very few luxuries. We buy cheap brand everything! You'll be able to save up for all the things you want and be proud of yourself for doing it all by yourself
3. Meal plan. Plan a menu for a week, 3 meals a day and a snack. Take the list with you and only buy the food that you need for those meals. It is much cheaper to prepare food at home, stop buying expensive crap like ready made sandwiches. This will also help you lose weight!
4. Find a hobby. You'll be able to afford one with all the money you've saved. What's something you've enjoyed in the past? You could try adult colouring books, learn how to knit or crochet through YouTube,that diamond painting that was suggested last night. You could have a craft room instead of that stupid office/study that you dont need. Do not put the supplies for this on your wishlist! Earn it yourself by doing what I've said above and imagine how exciting it will be to walk into a shop and spend money you've worked hard to save!
5. I don't think you're made for the gym! Find an exercise that you enjoy and it will be much easier to stick to. I walk everywhere. I can drive but a nice walk clears my head and along with the fresh air is great for your mental health!

This is my guide to adulting! I'm sure some of the others will add some good tips and advice but we can't do it for you. Your a grown ass women who needs to start acting like one! Think how great your online content would be. Not Beggy Lou but Amy Louise Vickers who worked hard and turned her life around, stopped taking drugs and built a lovely home all by herself.

Btw it took me 4 years to be able to afford Christmas decorations. It was a choice between buying my kids presents or putting up so tinsel and the kids came first!
👏👏👏👏 Took us 2 yrs to get a decent tree,until then we used a tiny 3 foot one from poundstretcher, think it was about £2/3 with £1 lights, that's not even a pack of fag these days, would be actually lovely to take all your advice & make a better life for herself & she would get a good following etc but imo I honestly don't think she will, she just wants everything given to her on a plate
Apr 20, 2023
I did something similar when she first came back asking for advice. I gave her a plan having been through addiction myself many years ago and came out the other side. Now working full time and running my own business 😴😴telling her it can be done, and she told me she’d block me!
I honestly think she really likes her lifestyle. The only glimmer of wanting something else is when she gets jealous, James new girlfriend, ste getting more benefits than her. Her weight has doubled in a short space of time, and is only going up, you can see from her face and its deterioration how many drugs she's on. She's irritated and dry cries when she has to do something obvious to keep her free home, like keep it clean and cut the grass, which still hasn't been done. She's happy as she is, spending money on pills and sweets like a large unattractive toddler. She's allowed herself to become a totally dependant person clinging on to whoever and whatever is the easiest thing.
Apr 16, 2023
Has he deleted his Instagram.

trying to find him on my new account and having no luck
He’s showing for me. I think he might have blocked one of your accounts and in turn, any other accounts associated with it. you would need an account thats linked to a different email address.

Red Devil

Apr 17, 2023
It’s really frustrating watching her as we all know she can cook and clean but she acts like she needs help with everything. She wants a diagnosis so she can claim Pip. She could easily loose weight if she stopped eating crap and drinking energy drinks all day. She could ask a neighbour to borrow their strummer to cut her grass or surely her parents have a mower. She could buy a Christmas tree herself if she didn’t waste her money on fags and choc choc. She could see her kids if she bothered to sort herself out and fight for contact. Lou doesn’t want to help herself though. She just wants a free ride through life 🙄
Apr 17, 2023
It’s really frustrating watching her as we all know she can cook and clean but she acts like she needs help with everything. She wants a diagnosis so she can claim Pip. She could easily loose weight if she stopped eating crap and drinking energy drinks all day. She could ask a neighbour to borrow their strummer to cut her grass or surely her parents have a mower. She could buy a Christmas tree herself if she didn’t waste her money on fags and choc choc. She could see her kids if she bothered to sort herself out and fight for contact. Lou doesn’t want to help herself though. She just wants a free ride through life 🙄
it’s her whole narrative isn’t it!

try Not buying the giant choc choc bars and you’ll soon have enough for the Christmas tree.

i mean I love Chocolate but I buy a fun size bag and have one every evening not a giant bar.

can you imagine Lou strimming the grass!!

i would Gift her a Christmas tree and all the decorations in the world to see a video of her doing it!!!
May 26, 2023
I honestly think she really likes her lifestyle. The only glimmer of wanting something else is when she gets jealous, James new girlfriend, ste getting more benefits than her. Her weight has doubled in a short space of time, and is only going up, you can see from her face and its deterioration how many drugs she's on. She's irritated and dry cries when she has to do something obvious to keep her free home, like keep it clean and cut the grass, which still hasn't been done. She's happy as she is, spending money on pills and sweets like a large unattractive toddler. She's allowed herself to become a totally dependant person clinging on to whoever and whatever is the easiest thing.
I'm under absolutely no illusion that she'll take any notice whatsoever since my post doesn't come with an offer of money or drugs. She seems to think that everyone else should do everything for her while she guzzles Red Bull and chocolate in her manky dressing gown
Apr 16, 2023
Perhaps her parents don't have a garden per se.Perhaps they want her to stand on her own two feet. However, no doubt they will help sort the garden situation out. They have always been in the background helping,advising, supporting. Always trying not to enable.
She doesn’t want to stand on her own to feet, even going as far as eating from a pan on the floor rather than move from the kitchen to the living room 😂😂
Apr 16, 2023
i would Gift her a Christmas tree and all the decorations in the world to see a video of her doing it!!!
we’ve got a spare tree in the ‘Monica from friends’ closet, I would rather it sit in there gathering dust than let it be yet another thing Lou has been gifted from some stranger online.
Apr 17, 2023
we’ve got a spare tree in the ‘Monica from friends’ closet, I would rather it sit in there gathering dust than let it be yet another thing Lou has been gifted from some stranger online.
Obviously I think that as well but….. in exchange of a video of her stimming a lawn with a high chance of toes being losts etc…I would🤣🤣😂😂

Red Devil

Apr 17, 2023
“Lou’s Mum” You quoted my post but have deleted it so I couldn’t reply directly. You said in an earlier post that you haven’t had much to do with her for the past two years so not sure that counts as helping, advising and supporting. Lou can barely stand on her two feet most days that’s why she’s always in bed or hobbling to the job centre 🙊


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Apr 16, 2023
It’s really frustrating watching her as we all know she can cook and clean but she acts like she needs help with everything. She wants a diagnosis so she can claim Pip. She could easily loose weight if she stopped eating crap and drinking energy drinks all day. She could ask a neighbour to borrow their strummer to cut her grass or surely her parents have a mower. She could buy a Christmas tree herself if she didn’t waste her money on fags and choc choc. She could see her kids if she bothered to sort herself out and fight for contact. Lou doesn’t want to help herself though. She just wants a free ride through life 🙄
Exactly 👆 all she wants is all the extra money to buy drugs, she said herself last night, if there is no chance of her getting kids back she may aswell do drugs, she is never going to change
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