Lou @Lifewithloux

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Jun 9, 2023
Has our Lou been around this evening? Or has gone to see ste wherever he has gone to!!!🙄
Last time I saw her she was in a box alone with Angie and then a few people in the comments were like “isn’t loulabelle the one who asked her boyfriends to give her a black eye” and then she just disappeared and wrote in the comments I’m sorry and was never seen again… maybe she got worried that Angie, Alex and J would realise she’s a wrongun and shout at her 🤣
May 26, 2023
Since Lou found my daily timetable has changed her life (although yes Lou I was ripping the piss) I thought I'd give her some advice once and for all.

Lou... . does your life make you happy? Are you enjoying it? I can guarantee you've just thought No! We all understand you're struggling but changing your life is completely within your control. The changes you need to make will take time to pay off and your still gonna find it difficult for quite a while but eventually hard work will pay off

1. Get rid of Ste, you're always happier and function much better when you're apart. A relationship should build you up not drag you down
2. Write a budget! Write down every regular payment that you pay every month. A month's worth of electric, gas, TV, water, phone and anything else you pay like that. Whatever is left from your monthly benefits is what you will have left to spend on everything else, food, drinks, clothes, toiletries, cleaning supplies and luxuries. Out of that money save as much of that money as you can, most of us buy very few luxuries. We buy cheap brand everything! You'll be able to save up for all the things you want and be proud of yourself for doing it all by yourself
3. Meal plan. Plan a menu for a week, 3 meals a day and a snack. Take the list with you and only buy the food that you need for those meals. It is much cheaper to prepare food at home, stop buying expensive crap like ready made sandwiches. This will also help you lose weight!
4. Find a hobby. You'll be able to afford one with all the money you've saved. What's something you've enjoyed in the past? You could try adult colouring books, learn how to knit or crochet through YouTube,that diamond painting that was suggested last night. You could have a craft room instead of that stupid office/study that you dont need. Do not put the supplies for this on your wishlist! Earn it yourself by doing what I've said above and imagine how exciting it will be to walk into a shop and spend money you've worked hard to save!
5. I don't think you're made for the gym! Find an exercise that you enjoy and it will be much easier to stick to. I walk everywhere. I can drive but a nice walk clears my head and along with the fresh air is great for your mental health!

This is my guide to adulting! I'm sure some of the others will add some good tips and advice but we can't do it for you. Your a grown ass women who needs to start acting like one! Think how great your online content would be. Not Beggy Lou but Amy Louise Vickers who worked hard and turned her life around, stopped taking drugs and built a lovely home all by herself.

Btw it took me 4 years to be able to afford Christmas decorations. It was a choice between buying my kids presents or putting up so tinsel and the kids came first!
Jun 9, 2023
Since Lou found my daily timetable has changed her life (although yes Lou I was ripping the piss) I thought I'd give her some advice once and for all.

Lou... . does your life make you happy? Are you enjoying it? I can guarantee you've just thought No! We all understand you're struggling but changing your life is completely within your control. The changes you need to make will take time to pay off and your still gonna find it difficult for quite a while but eventually hard work will pay off

1. Get rid of Ste, you're always happier and function much better when you're apart. A relationship should build you up not drag you down
2. Write a budget! Write down every regular payment that you pay every month. A month's worth of electric, gas, TV, water, phone and anything else you pay like that. Whatever is left from your monthly benefits is what you will have left to spend on everything else, food, drinks, clothes, toiletries, cleaning supplies and luxuries. Out of that money save as much of that money as you can, most of us buy very few luxuries. We buy cheap brand everything! You'll be able to save up for all the things you want and be proud of yourself for doing it all by yourself
3. Meal plan. Plan a menu for a week, 3 meals a day and a snack. Take the list with you and only buy the food that you need for those meals. It is much cheaper to prepare food at home, stop buying expensive crap like ready made sandwiches. This will also help you lose weight!
4. Find a hobby. You'll be able to afford one with all the money you've saved. What's something you've enjoyed in the past? You could try adult colouring books, learn how to knit or crochet through YouTube,that diamond painting that was suggested last night. You could have a craft room instead of that stupid office/study that you dont need. Do not put the supplies for this on your wishlist! Earn it yourself by doing what I've said above and imagine how exciting it will be to walk into a shop and spend money you've worked hard to save!
5. I don't think you're made for the gym! Find an exercise that you enjoy and it will be much easier to stick to. I walk everywhere. I can drive but a nice walk clears my head and along with the fresh air is great for your mental health!

This is my guide to adulting! I'm sure some of the others will add some good tips and advice but we can't do it for you. Your a grown ass women who needs to start acting like one! Think how great your online content would be. Not Beggy Lou but Amy Louise Vickers who worked hard and turned her life around, stopped taking drugs and built a lovely home all by herself.

Btw it took me 4 years to be able to afford Christmas decorations. It was a choice between buying my kids presents or putting up so tinsel and the kids came first!
This 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Apr 16, 2023
Since Lou found my daily timetable has changed her life (although yes Lou I was ripping the piss) I thought I'd give her some advice once and for all.

Lou... . does your life make you happy? Are you enjoying it? I can guarantee you've just thought No! We all understand you're struggling but changing your life is completely within your control. The changes you need to make will take time to pay off and your still gonna find it difficult for quite a while but eventually hard work will pay off

1. Get rid of Ste, you're always happier and function much better when you're apart. A relationship should build you up not drag you down
2. Write a budget! Write down every regular payment that you pay every month. A month's worth of electric, gas, TV, water, phone and anything else you pay like that. Whatever is left from your monthly benefits is what you will have left to spend on everything else, food, drinks, clothes, toiletries, cleaning supplies and luxuries. Out of that money save as much of that money as you can, most of us buy very few luxuries. We buy cheap brand everything! You'll be able to save up for all the things you want and be proud of yourself for doing it all by yourself
3. Meal plan. Plan a menu for a week, 3 meals a day and a snack. Take the list with you and only buy the food that you need for those meals. It is much cheaper to prepare food at home, stop buying expensive crap like ready made sandwiches. This will also help you lose weight!
4. Find a hobby. You'll be able to afford one with all the money you've saved. What's something you've enjoyed in the past? You could try adult colouring books, learn how to knit or crochet through YouTube,that diamond painting that was suggested last night. You could have a craft room instead of that stupid office/study that you dont need. Do not put the supplies for this on your wishlist! Earn it yourself by doing what I've said above and imagine how exciting it will be to walk into a shop and spend money you've worked hard to save!
5. I don't think you're made for the gym! Find an exercise that you enjoy and it will be much easier to stick to. I walk everywhere. I can drive but a nice walk clears my head and along with the fresh air is great for your mental health!

This is my guide to adulting! I'm sure some of the others will add some good tips and advice but we can't do it for you. Your a grown ass women who needs to start acting like one! Think how great your online content would be. Not Beggy Lou but Amy Louise Vickers who worked hard and turned her life around, stopped taking drugs and built a lovely home all by herself.

Btw it took me 4 years to be able to afford Christmas decorations. It was a choice between buying my kids presents or putting up so tinsel and the kids came first!
Great advice, but after tonight her saying if not getting kids back she may aswell do drugs, a can't see any of that list happening sadly
May 11, 2023
Lou’s Christmas schedules been leaked guys…

“Even if I wanted to go to the job centre, my schedule wouldn’t allow it!

4 o clock - wallow in self pity

4:30 - stare into the abyss

5 o clock - pregablins (tell no one)

5:30 - insta live

6:30 - pizza with Ste (I can’t cancel that again)

7 o clock - wrestle with my self loathing… I’m booked!!

Of course if I bump the loathing to 9, I can still be done in time to lay in bed, join angies live and slip slowly into madness… BUT WHAT TEMU OUTFIT WOULD I WEAR?!”
Aug 29, 2023
Wtf is the big deal with a xmas tree, only wants a small 1 ,you can get small 1s for a fiver ,jesus christ Lou get a grip
It's also October so no idea why shes keeping going on about a christmas tree just now. Like you say you can buy them new really cheap in some shops so she could put a bit of money aside between now and December and buy one...only we know she wont, she will just keep begging and dropping hints in the hope someone will get her one. She's been going on about it for a while so ud think she'd have got the hint by now that nobody is going to fund it for her.
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